Chechnyas HistoryBitter Choices: Loyalty and Betrayal in the Russian Conquest of the North Caucasus Michael Khodarkovsky ISBN-13: 9780801449727 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801479526 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2011 G
The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror Paul Murphy ISBN-13: 9781574888307 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781612345482 University of Nebraska Press/Potomac Books, 2004 G
In Quest for God and Freedom: Sufi Responses to the Russian Advance in the North Caucasus Anna Zelkina ISBN-13: 9780814796955 (cloth) New York University Press, 2000 S
Return to Top The Chechen WarsRebounding Identities: The Politics of Identity in Russia and Ukraine Dominique Arel, Blair A. Ruble, editors ISBN-13: 9780801885624 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press and Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2006 S
Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict John B. Dunlop ISBN-13: 9780521631846 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521636193 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780511825231 Cambridge University Press, 1998
The Chechen Wars: Will Russia Go the Way of the Soviet Union? Matthew Evangelista ISBN-10: 0815724985 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780815724988 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780815724995 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2002 S
Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus Carlotta Gall, Thomas de Waal ISBN-13: 9780814729632 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814731321 (paper) New York University Press, 1998 G
Terror in Chechnya: Russia and the Tragedy of Civilians in War Emma Gilligan ISBN-13: 9780691130798 (cloth) Princeton University Press, 2009 S
Russia and Globalization: Identity, Security, and Society in an Era of Change Douglas W. Hill, editor ISBN-13: 9780801888427 (cloth) Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2008 S
Chechnya: From Nationalism to Jihad James Hughes  ISBN-13: 9780812220308 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780812202311 University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008
Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell in and Out of Love with Vladimir Putin Ben Judah ISBN-13: 9780300181210 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2013 G
The War in Chechnya Stasys Knezys, Romanas Sedlickas  ISBN-13: 9780890968567 (cloth) Texas A&M University Press, 1999 G
The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict: Fear, Diffusion, and Escalation David A. Lake, Donald Rothchild ISBN-10: 0691016909 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691016900 (paper) Princeton University Press, 1998
Russia's Restless Frontier: The Chechnya Factor in Post-Soviet Russia Aleksei Malashenko, Dmitri Trenin ISBN-13: 9780870032035 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2004
Globalization of Martyrdom: Al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the Diffusion of Suicide Attacks Assaf Moghadam  ISBN-13: 9780801890550 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781421400587 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008 S
Contemporary Violence: Postmodern war in Kosovo and Chechnya Cerwyn Moore ISBN-13: 9780719075995 (cloth) Manchester University Press, 2010
Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000: Lessons from Urban Combat Olga Oliker ISBN-10: 0833029983 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2001 G/S
The Patriotism of Despair: Nation, War, and Loss in Russia Serguei Alex. Oushakine ISBN-13: 9780801475573 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2009 S
Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It Robert A. Pape, James K. Feldman ISBN-13: 9780226645605 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226645650 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226645643 University of Chicago Press, 2010
A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches from Chechnya Anna Politkovskaya ISBN-13: 9780226674322 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226674339 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2007 G
Regimes and Repertoires Charles Tilly ISBN-13: 9780226803500 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2006 S
Chechnya: Life in a War-Torn Society Valery Tishkov, Foreword by Mikhail S. Gorbachev ISBN-13: 9780520238886 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520930209 University of California Press, 2004
The Geography of Ethnic Violence: Identity, Interests, and the Indivisibility of Territory Monica Duffy Toft ISBN-13: 9780691123837 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2005 S
The Post-Soviet Wars: Rebellion, Ethnic Conflict, and Nationhood in the Caucasus Christoph Zurcher ISBN-13: 9780814797099 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814797242 (paper) New York University Press, 2007 S
Return to Top The CaucasusMuslim National Communism in the Soviet Union: A Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World Alexandre A. Bennigsen, S. Enders Wimbush ISBN-13: 9780226042367 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 1980 S
Exploring the Caucasus in the 21st Century: Essays on Culture, History and Politics in a Dynamic Context Françoise Companjen, László Marácz, and Lia Versteegh, editors ISBN-13: 9789089641830 (paper) Amsterdam University Press, 2011
The Caucuses: An Introduction Thomas de Waal ISBN-13: 9780195399769 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780195399776 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2010
Bourdieu's Secret Admirer in the Caucasus: A World-System Biography Georgi M. Derluguian ISBN-13: 9780226142821 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226142838 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2005 S
From The Gulf To Central Asia: Players in the New Great Game Anoushiravan Ehteshami, editor ISBN-13: 9780859894517 (paper) University of Chicago Press, distributed for University of Exeter Press, 1995 S
The Captive and the Gift: Cultural Histories of Sovereignty in Russia and the Caucasus Bruce Grant ISBN-13: 9780801443046 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801475412 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2009 G
Caucasus: A Journey to the Land between Christianity and Islam Nicholas Griffin ISBN-13: 9780226308593 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2004 G
Oil, Islam and Conflict: Central Asia Since 1945 Rob Johnson ISBN-13: 9781861893390 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781861894564 University of Chicago Press, distributed for Reaktion Books, 2007 G
The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus Charles King ISBN-13: 9780195177756 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780195392395 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2008
Russian Eurasianism Marlène Laruelle ISBN-13: 9780801890734 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008 S
Wars in the Caucasus, 1990-1995 Edgar OBallance ISBN-13: 9780814761922 (cloth) New York University Press, 1997 S
Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Implications for the U.S. Army Olga Oliker ISBN-10: 0833032607 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833032607 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2003 G/S
Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus Arthur Tsutsiev, translated by Nora Seligman Favorov ISBN-13: 9780300153088 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2014
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