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The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 7, From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic P. Avery, G. R. G. Hambly, C. Melville, editors ISBN-13: 9780521200950 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1991 S
Iran's First Revolution: Shi'ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1909 Mangol Bayat ISBN-13: 9780195068221 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 1991 G
Women in Iran from 1800 to the Islamic Republic Lois Beck, Guity Nashat, editors ISBN-13: 9780252071898 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2004 S
The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 5, The Saljuq and Mongol Periods J. A. Boyle, editor ISBN-13: 9780521069366 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1968 S
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 2: Prophets and Patriarchs William M. Brinner, translator ISBN-13: 9780873959216 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780887063138 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1986 G
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 3: The Children of Israel William M. Brinner, translator ISBN-13: 9780791406878 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791406885 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1991 G
Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran Richard W. Bulliet ISBN-13: 9780231148368 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231148375 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2009 S
Iran in the Persian Gulf, 1820-1966, 6 volume set A. Burdett, editor ISBN-13: 9781852078102 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2000 S
Iran Political Developments, 1941-1946, 13 volume set A. Burdett, editor ISBN-13: 9781840971958 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2008 S
Iran: Political Diaries, 1881-1965, 14 volume set R. M. Burrell, editor ISBN-13: 9781852077105 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1997 S
The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran Muhammad A. Dandamaev, Vladimir G. Lukonin; Translated by Philip L. Kohl ISBN-10: 0521611911 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521611916 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2004 S
The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History Touraj Daryaee, editor ISBN-13: 9780199732159 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2012
Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity Beate Dignas, Engelbert Winter ISBN-13: 9780521849258 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521614078 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 21: The Victory of the Marwanids A.D. 685-693/A.H. 66-73 Michael Fishbein, translator ISBN-13: 9780791402214 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791402221 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1990 G
The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 1, The Land of Iran W. B. Fisher, editor ISBN-13: 9780521069359 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1968 S
The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 4, The Period from the Arab Invasion to the Saljuqs R. N. Frye, editor ISBN-13: 9780521200936 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1975 S
The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 2, The Median and Achaemenian Periods I. Gershevitch, editor ISBN-13: 9780521200912 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1985 S
Democracy in Iran: History and the Quest for Liberty Ali Gheissari, Vali Nasr ISBN-13: 9780195396966 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Resistance to the Shah: Landowners and Ulama in Iran Mohammad Gholi ISBN-10: 0813017319 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813017310 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2000
Great Britain and Reza Shah: The Plunder of Iran, 1921-1941 Mohammad Gholi Majd ISBN-10: 0813021111 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813021119 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813037202 (paper) University Press of Florida, 2001
Al-Ghazali’s Philosophical Theology Frank Griffel ISBN-13: 9780195331622 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in Middle Eastern Monarchies Michael Herb ISBN-13: 9780791441671 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791441688 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1999 G
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 26: The Waning of the Umayyad Caliphate: Prelude to Revolution A.D. 738-745/A.H. 121-127 Carole Hillenbrand, translator ISBN-13: 9780887068102 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780887068126 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1989 G
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 15: The Crisis of the Early Caliphate: The Reign of 'Uthman A.D.644-656/A.H. 24-35 R. Stephen Humphreys, translator ISBN-13: 9780791401545 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791401552 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1990 G
The Cambridge History of Iran: Volume No. 6, The Timurid and Safavid Periods Peter Jackson, Lawrence Lockhart, editors ISBN-13: 9780521200943 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1986 S
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 13: The Conquest of Iraq, Southwestern Persia, and Egypt: The Middle Years of 'Umar's Caliphate A.D. 636-642/A.H. 15-21 Gautier H. A. Juynboll, translator ISBN-13: 9780887068768 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780887068775 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1989 G
The Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran Homa Katouzian ISBN-13: 9780300121186 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300169324 (paper) Yale University Press, 2009 G
Roots of Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran Nikki Keddie  ISBN-10: 0300121059 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300121056 (paper) Yale University Press, 1981
Tribes and Empire on the Margins of Nineteenth-Century Iran Arash Khazeni ISBN-13: 9780295989945 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780295989952 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2010 S
A Culture of Sufism: Naqshbandis in the Ottoman World, 1450-1700 Dina Le Gall ISBN-13: 9780791462454 (cloth) State University of New York Press, 2004 S
Power, Politics and Religion in Timurid Iran Beatrice Manz ISBN-13: 9780521865470 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
Power, Politics, and Religion in Timurid Iran Beatrice Forbes Manz ISBN-13: 9780521865470 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521153461 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780511267369 Cambridge University Press, 2007
Nationalizing Iran: Culture, Power, and the State, 1870-1940 Afshin Marashi ISBN-13: 9780295987996 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780295988207 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2008 S
The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900 Rudi Matthee ISBN-13: 9780691144443 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2009 G
Women in Iran from the Rise of Islam to 1800 Guity Nashat, Lois Beck, editors ISBN-13: 9780252071218 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2003 S
The Rise and Fall of the Shah: Iran from Autocracy to Religious Rule Amin Saikal ISBN-13: 9780691140407 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2009 G
Iran Under the Safavids Roger Savory ISBN-13: 9780521042512 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
The Iran-Iraq Border, 1840-1958, 11 volume set R. Schofield, editor ISBN-13: 9781852071608 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 1989 S
The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 14: The Conquest of Iran A.D. 641-643/A.H. 21-23 G. Rex Smith, translator ISBN-13: 9780791412930 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791412947 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1994 G
Revolution and Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and Iran Nader Sohrabi ISBN-13: 9780521198295 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781139210508 Cambridge University Press, 2011
Between Foreigners and Shi‘is: Nineteenth-Century Iran and its Jewish Minority Daniel Tsadik ISBN-10: 0804754586 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804754583 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2007 S
Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces Steven R. Ward ISBN-13: 9781589012585 (cloth) Georgetown University Press, 2009 G
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Return to Top The Islamic Revolution and Contemporary PoliticsTortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran Ervand Abrahamian ISBN-10: 0530218663 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520218666 (paper) University of California Press, 1999
A Critical Introduction to Khomeini Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, editor ISBN-13: 9781107012677 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781107670624 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781107722682 Cambridge University Press, 2014
The Iranian Constitutional Revolution Janet Afary ISBN-13: 9780231103510 (paper) Columbia University Press, 1996 S
Human Rights in Iran: The Abuse of Cultural Relativism Reza Afshari ISBN-13: 9780812236057 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812221398 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001
Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran Shahrough Akhavi ISBN-13: 9780873954082 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780873954563 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1980 S
Revolution and Economic Transition: The Iranian Experience Hooshang Amirahmadi ISBN-13: 9780791405109 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1990 G
Dynamics of the Iranian Revolution: The Pahlavis' Triumph and Tragedy Jahangir Amuzegar ISBN-13: 9780791407325 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1991 G
Iran, Islam and Democracy: The Politics of Managing Change Ali M. Ansari ISBN-10: 1862031177 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781862031173 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2001
The Shadow of God and the Hidden Imam: Religion, Political Order, and Societal Change in Shi’ite Iran from the Beginning to 1890 Said Amir Arjomand ISBN-13: 9780226027845 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2010
The Turban for the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran Said Amir Arjomand ISBN-13: 9780195042580 (paper) Oxford University Press, 1989 G
After Khomeini: Iran Under His Successors Sa?d Amir Arjomand ISBN-13: 9780195391794 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199891948 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
After Khomeini: Iran Under His Successors Saïd Amir Arjomand ISBN-13: 9780195391794 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009
The Rule of Law, Islam, and Constitutional Politics in Egypt and Iran Saïd Amir Arjomand, Nathan J. Brown, editors ISBN-13: 9781438445977 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781438445960 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781438445984 State University of New York Press, 2013
Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic Michael Axworthy ISBN-13: 9780199322268 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2013
The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World Mohammed Ayoob ISBN-13: 9780472099719 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472069712 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2007 S
Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran Bahman Baktiari ISBN-10: 0813014611 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813014616 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 1996
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn Minority Asef Bayat ISBN-10: 0804755957 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780804755955 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2007 S
Reinventing Khomeini: The Struggle for Reform in Iran Daniel Brumberg ISBN-10: 0226077586 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780226077581 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2001 G
Iran's Political, Demographic, and Economic Vulnerabilities Keith Crane, Rollie Lal, Jeffrey Martini ISBN-13: 9780833043047 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
Urban Unrest in the Middle East: A Comparative Study of Informal Networks in Egypt, Iran, and Lebanon Guilain Denoeux ISBN-13: 9780791415245 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1993 G
Using Social Media to Gauge Iranian Public Opinion and Mood After the 2009 Election Sara Beth Elson, Douglas Yeung, Parisa Roshan, S. R. Bohandy, Alireza Nader, , ISBN-13: 9780833059727 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2012
The Iranian Revolution: Its Global Impact John L. Esposito ISBN-10: 0813010179 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1990
Contemporary Iran: Economy, Society, Politics Ali Gheissari ISBN-13: 9780195378498 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Rules and Rights in the Middle East: Democracy, Law, and Society Ellis Goldberg, Resat Kasaba, Joel S. Migdal, editors ISBN-10: 0295972874 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295972879 (paper) University of Washington Press, 1993 S
Days of Revolution: Political Unrest in an Iranian Village Mary Elaine Hegland ISBN-13: 9780804775670 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804775687 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780804788854 Stanford University Press, 2013
Middle East Authoritarianisms: Governance, Contestation, and Regime Resilience in Syria and Iran Steven Heydemann, Reinoud Leenders, editors ISBN-13: 9780804783019 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780804784351 Stanford University Press, 2013
Iran's Intellectual Revolution Mehran Kamrava ISBN-13: 9780521725187 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2008 S
Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution, Updated Edition Nikki R. Keddie, with a section by Yann Richard  ISBN-10: 0300121059 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300121056 (paper) Yale University Press, 2006 G
Bazaar and State in Iran: The Politics of the Tehran Marketplace Arang Keshavarzian ISBN-13: 9780521866187 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521103305 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
Political Islam, Iran, and the Enlightenment: Philosophies of Hope and Despair Ali Mirsepassi ISBN-13: 9780521768825 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521745901 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2010
Understanding Shiite Leadership: The Art of the Middle Ground in Iran and Lebanon Shaul Mishal, Ori Goldberg ISBN-13: 9781107046382 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781139899345 Cambridge University Press, May 2014
Class, Politics, and Ideology in the Iranian Revolution Mansoor Moaddel ISBN-13: 9780231078672 (paper) Columbia University Press, 1994 S
The Next Supreme Leader: Succession in the Islamic Republic of Iran Alireza Nader, David E. Thaler, S.R. Bohandy ISBN-13: 9780833051332 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011 G
The Politics of Women's Rights in Iran Arzoo Oslanloo ISBN-13: 9780691135472 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691135472 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2009 S
Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics: From Majlesi to Ahmadinejad Ali Rahnema ISBN-13: 9781107005181 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521182218 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781139065993 Cambridge University Press, 2011
Evolving Iran: An Introduction to Politics and Problems in the Islamic Republic Barbara Ann Rieffer-Flanagan ISBN-13: 9781589019782 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781589019799 Georgetown University Press, 2013
Hard Times in the Lands of Plenty: Oil Politics in Iran and Indonesia Benjamin Smith ISBN-13: 9780801444395 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801472770 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2007
Ghosts of Revolution: Rekindled Memories of Imprisonment in Iran Shahla Talebi ISBN-13: 9780804772013 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2011
Muslim Reformers in Iran and Turkey: The Paradox of Moderation Güne? Murat Tezcür ISBN-13: 9780292721975 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780292728837 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2010
Mullahs, Guards, and Bonyads: An Exploration of Iranian Leadership Dynamics David E. Thaler, Alireza Nader, Shahram Chubin, Jerrold D. Green,, Charlotte Lynch, Frederic Wehrey ISBN-13: 9780833047731 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2010 G
A Guerilla Odyssey: Modernization, Secularism, Democracy, and the Fadai Period of National Liberation in Iran, 1971-1979 Peyman Vahabzadeh ISBN-13: 9780815632436 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2010
Rise of the Pasdaran: Assessing the Domestic Roles of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Frederic Wehrey, Jerrold D. Green, Brian Nichiporuk, Alireza, Nader, Lydia Hansell, Rasool Nafisi, S. R. Bohandy ISBN-13: 9780833046208 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 S
The Rise of the Pasdaran: Assessing the Domestic Roles of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Frederic Wehrey, Jerrold D. Green, Brian Nichiporuk, Alireza, Nader, Lydia Hansell, Rasool Nafisi, S. R. Bohandy ISBN-13: 9780833046208 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 S
Return to Top International Relations General Regional The United States International Relations: GeneralIran in World Politics: The Question of the Islamic Republic Arshin Adib-Moghaddam ISBN-13: 9780231700467 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231700474 (paper) Columbia University Press/Columbia / Hurst, 2008 S
The History of the British Petroleum Company; Volume 2, The Anglo-Iranian Years 1928–1954 J. H. Bamberg ISBN-13: 9780521117593 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
Western Dominance and Political Islam: Challenge and Response Khalid Bin Sayeed ISBN-10: 0791422658 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791422656 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791422656 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1994
Iran's Security Policy in the Post-Revolutionary Era Daniel L. Byman, Shahram Chubin, Anoushiravan Ehteshami Jerrold Green  ISBN-10: 0833029711 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833029713 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2001
Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network Gordon Corera ISBN-13: 9780195375237 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Iran and the Bomb Therese Delpech ISBN-13: 9780231700078 (paper) Columbia University Press/Columbia / Hurst, 2009 G
Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report James Dobbins, Sarah Harting, Dalia Dassa Kaye ISBN-13: 9780833041876 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2007 S
Iran and the Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946 Louise Fawcett ISBN-13: 9780521104739 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
China and Iran John W. Garver ISBN-13: 9780295986319 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2006 G
Domestic Trends in the United States, China, and Iran: Implications for U.S. Navy Strategic Planning John Gordon, IV, Robert W. Button, Karla J. Cunningham, Toy I. Reid, Irv Blickstein, Peter A. Wilson, Andreas Goldthau ISBN-13: 9780833045621 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq: How Peacemaking Changed Cameron R. Hume ISBN-10: 0253328748 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780253328748 (cloth) Indiana University Press, 1994
Building Security in the Persian Gulf Robert E. Hunter ISBN-13: 9780833049186 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2010 S
The Politics of Secularism in International Relations Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Muhammad Qasim Zaman, editors ISBN-13: 9780691134666 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400828012 Princeton University Press, 2007 S
Iran and the Surrounding World: Interactions in Culture and Cultural Politics Nikki R. Keddie, Rudi Matthee, editors  ISBN-10: 0295982063 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295982069 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2002 S
The Middle East: The Changing Strategic Environment F. Stephen Larrabee ISBN-13: 9780833039507 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2006 G
The Challenge of Nuclear-Armed Regional Adversaries David Ochmanek, Lowell H. Schwartz ISBN-13: 9780833042323 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
Independence without Freedom: Iran's Foreign Policy R.K. Ramazani ISBN-13: 9780813934983 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780813934990 University of Virginia Press, 2013
Guardians of the Revolution: Iran and the World in the Age of the Ayatollahs Ray Takeyh ISBN-13: 9780195327847 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199754106 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
The Iraq Effect: The Middle East After the Iraq War Frederic Wehrey, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Jessica Watkins, Jeffrey, Martini, Robert A. Guffey ISBN-13: 9780833047885 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2010 G
International Relations: RegionalIdeals and Realities of Regional Integration in the Muslim World: The Case of the Economic Cooperation Organization Ejaz Akram ISBN-13: 9780195476354 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Life After the Soviet Union: The Newly Independent Republics of the Transcaucasus and Central Asia Nozar Alaolmolki ISBN-13: 9780791451373 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791451380 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2001 S
The Politics and Strategy of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East: Opacity, Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991 — An Israeli Perspective Shlomo Aronson, with Oded Brosh ISBN-13: 9780791412084 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1992 S
Frontier Fictions: Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804-1946 Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet ISBN-13: 9780691004976 (cloth) Princeton University Press, 2000 S
Israel and Iran: A Dangerous Rivalry Dalia Dassa Kaye, Alireza Nader, Parisa Roshan ISBN-13: 9780833058607 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011
Turkish-Iranian Relations in a Changing Middle East F. Stephen Larrabee, Alireza Nader, , ISBN-13: 9780833080110 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2013
Institutions and the Politics of Survival in Jordan: Domestic Responses to External Challenges, 1988-2001 Russell E. Lucas ISBN-13: 9780791464458 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791464465 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2005 S
Iran's Long Reach: Iran as a Pivotal State in the Muslim World Suzanne Maloney  ISBN-13: 9781601270337 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2008 S
Iranian Perspectives on the Iran-Iraq War Farhang Rajaee ISBN-10: 081301476X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813014760 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 1993 S
The Iran-Iraq War: The Politics of Aggression Farhang Rajaee ISBN-10: 0813011760 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0813011779 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813011769 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813011776 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1997 G
Iranophobia: The Logic of an Israeli Obsession Haggai Ram ISBN-10: 0804760683 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780804760683 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2009 S
Borders and Brethren: Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity Brenda Shaffer ISBN-10: 0262194775 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262194778 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262692779 (paper) MIT Press, 2002
Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East Shibley Telhami ISBN-10: 080143940X (cloth) ISBN-10: 0801487455 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780801439407 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801487453 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2002 S
Dangerous But Not Omnipotent: Exploring the Reach and Limitations of Iranian Power in the Middle East Frederic Wehrey, David E. Thaler, Nora Bensahel, Kim Cragin,, Jerrold D. Green, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Nadia Oweidat, Jennifer Li ISBN-13: 9780833045546 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 G
Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation, and Implications for U.S. Policy Frederic Wehrey, Theodore Karasik, Alireza Nader, Jeremy Ghez, Lydia Hansell, Robert A. Guffey ISBN-13: 9780833046574 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 S
International Relations: The United StatesThe United States and the Middle East: A Search for New Perspectives Hooshang Amirahmadi, editor ISBN-13: 9780791412268 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1992 S
The Great Satan vs. the Mad Mullahs: How the United States and Iran Demonize Each Other William O. Beeman ISBN-13: 9780226041476 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2008 G
The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy Of American-Iranian Relations James Bill ISBN-10: 0300044127 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300044126 (paper) Yale University Press, 1989
Anticipating a Nuclear Iran: Challenges for U.S. Security Jacquelyn K. Davis, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. ISBN-13: 9780231166225 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2013
Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical U.S. Policy Choices Lynn E. Davis, Jeffrey Martini, Alireza Nader, Dalia Dassa Kaye, James T. Quinlivan, Paul Steinberg ISBN-13: 9780833051752 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011
Coping with a Nuclearizing Iran James Dobbins, Alireza Nader, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Frederic Wehrey ISBN-13: 9780833058652 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011
Taken Hostage: The Iran Hostage Crisis and America's First Encounter with Radical Islam David Farber ISBN-13: 9780691127590 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400826209 Princeton University Press, 2006 S
The Mujahedin-e Khalq in Iraq: A Policy Conundrum Jeremiah Goulka, Lydia Hansell, Elizabeth Wilke, Judith Larson ISBN-13: 9780833047014 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 G
Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for the Next President Richard N. Haass, Martin S. Indyk, et al.  ISBN-13: 9780815738695 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2008 G
Which Lessons Matter?: American Foreign Policy Decision Making in the Middle East, 1979-1987 Christopher Hemmer ISBN-10: 0791446492 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0791446506 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791446492 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791446508 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2000 S
Why Intelligence Fails: Lessons from the Iranian Revolution and the Iraq War Robert Jervis ISBN-13: 9780801447853 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2010 G
Sowing Crisis: The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East Rashid Khalidi ISBN-13: 9780807003107 (cloth) Beacon Press, 2009 G
The National Security Constitution: Sharing Power after the Iran-Contra Affair Harold Hongju Koh ISBN-10: 0300044933 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300044935 (paper) Yale University Press, 1990 S
Groupthink or Deadlock: When Do Leaders Learn from Their Advisors? Paul A. Kowert ISBN-13: 9780791452493 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791452509 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2002 S
Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Reports; Volume 37, 2003 Karen Lee, editor ISBN-13: 9780521867146 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2006 S
Reshaping Rogue States: Preemption, Regime Change, and US Policy toward Iran, Iraq, and North Korea Alexander T. J. Lennon, Camille Eiss, editors ISBN-10: 0262621908 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262621908 (paper) MIT Press, 2004 G/S
Negotiating with Iran: Wrestling the Ghosts of History John W. Limbert  ISBN-13: 9781601270443 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781601270436 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2009 S
A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama's Diplomacy with Iran Trita Parsi ISBN-13: 9780300169362 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300192360 (paper) Yale University Press, 2012
Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy toward Iran Kenneth M. Pollack, Daniel L. Byman, Martin S. Indyk, Suzanne Maloney, Michael E. O'Hanlon, and Bruce O. Riedel  ISBN-13: 9780815703419 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2009 G
Containing Iran: Strategies for Addressing the Iranian Nuclear Challenge Robert Reardon ISBN-13: 9780833076311 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2012 S
Democratic Transition and Human Rights: Perspectives on U.S. Foreign Policy Sara Steinmetz ISBN-13: 9780791414330 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791414347 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1994 S
The Iran Primer: Power, Politics, and U.S. Policy Robin Wright, editor ISBN-13: 9781601270849 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2010 G
Return to Top Society and Culture General Religious Life Gender and Sexuality Society and Culture: GeneralBeing Modern In Iran Fariba Adelkhah ISBN-13: 9780231119412 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2004 S
Electronic Iran: The Cultural Politics of an Online Evolution Niki Akhavan ISBN-13: 9780813561936 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813561929 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813561943 Rutgers University Press, 2013
Saffron Sky: A Life between Iran and America Gelareh Asayesh ISBN-13: 9780807072110 (paper) Beacon Press, 2000 G
A Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East Navtej Dhillon, Tarik Yousef, editors  ISBN-13: 9780815703143 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2009 G
Iranian Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century Ali Gheissari ISBN-13: 9780292728042 (paper) University of Texas Press, 1997
Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East Fatma Muge Gocek, editor ISBN-13: 9780791451977 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791451984 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2002 S
Understanding Iran Jerrold D. Green, Frederic Wehrey, Charles Wolf, Jr. ISBN-13: 9780833045584 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 G
Behind the Veil: An American Woman’s Memoir of the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis Debra Johanyak ISBN-13: 9781931968409 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781931968409 (paper) University of Akron Press, 2006 G
Young and Defiant in Tehran Shahram Khosravi ISBN-13: 9780812240399 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812220681 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007 G
Workers and Working Classes in the Middle East: Struggles, Histories, Historiographies Zachary Lockman, editor ISBN-13: 9780791416655 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791416662 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1993 S
Nomadism in Iran: From Antiquity to the Modern Era D. T. Potts ISBN-13: 9780199330799 (cloth) Oxford University Press, April 2014
Warring Souls: Youth, Media, and Martyrdom in Post-Revolution Iran Roxanne Varzi ISBN-13: 9780822337096 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822337218 (paper) Duke University Press, 2006 S
Social Change in Iran: An Eyewitness Account of Dissent, Defiance, and New Movements for Rights Behzad Yaghmaian ISBN-13: 9780791452110 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791452127 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2002 S
Ethnicity, Identity, and the Development of Nationalism in Iran David N. Yaghoubian ISBN-13: 9780815633594 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2014
My Sister, Guard Your Veil; My Brother, Guard Your Eyes: Uncensored Iranian Voices Lila Azam Zanganeh ISBN-10: 0807004634 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807004630 (paper) Beacon Press, 2005 G
Society and Culture: Religious LifeMartyrs of Karbala: Shi’i Symbols and Rituals in Modern Iran Kamran Scot Aghaie ISBN-13: 9780295984551 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2004 S
Authority and Political Culture in Shi'ism Said Amir Arjomand, editor ISBN-13: 9780887066382 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780887066399 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1988 S
The Political Dimensions of Religion Said Amir Arjomand, editor ISBN-13: 9780791415573 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791415580 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1993 S
Studies in Religious Fundamentalism Lionel Caplan, editor ISBN-13: 9780887065187 (cloth) State University of New York Press, 1988 S
The Throne Carrier of God: The Life and Thought of 'Ala' ad-dawla as-Simnani Jamal J. Elias ISBN-13: 9780791426111 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791426128 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1995 S
The Future of Islam John L. Esposito ISBN-13: 9780195165210 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2010 G
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World John L. Esposito ISBN-13: 9780195305135 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Witches, Whores, and Sorcerers: The Concept of Evil in Early Iran S.K. Mendoza Forrest ISBN-13: 9780292726871 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780292747678 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2011
Schooling Islam: The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education Robert W. Hefner, Muhammad Qasim Zaman, editors ISBN-13: 9780691129327 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691129334 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2006 S
Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam Qamar-ul Huda, editor ISBN-13: 9781601270603 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2010 S
Islam in Practice: Religious Beliefs in a Persian Village Reinhold Loeffler ISBN-13: 9780887066795 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1988 S
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Islam: A Very Short Introduction Malise Ruthven ISBN-10: 0192853899 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780192853899 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2000 G
Religious Minorities in Iran Eliz Sanasarian ISBN-10: 0521029740 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521029742 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2006 S
The Wisdom of the Mystic East: Suhrawardi and Platonic Orientalism John Walbridge ISBN-13: 9780791450512 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791450529 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2001 S
Society and Culture: Gender and SexualityFoucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism Janet Afary, Kevin B. Anderson ISBN-13: 9780226007854 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226007861 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226007878 University of Chicago Press, 2005 S
Sexual Politics in Modern Iran Janet Afary ISBN-13: 9780521898461 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521727082 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
Women, State, and Ideology: Studies from Africa and Asia Haleh Afshar, editor ISBN-13: 9780887063947 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1987 S
Veiled Employment: Islamism and the Political Economy of Women’s Employment in Iran Roksana Bahramitash, Hadi Salehi Esfahani, editors ISBN-13: 9780815632139 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2011 S
Family History in the Middle East: Household, Property, and Gender Beshara Doumani, editor ISBN-13: 9780791456804 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2003 G
Conceiving Citizens: Women and the Politics of Motherhood in Iran Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet ISBN-13: 9780195308860 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780195308877 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2011
Women in the Middle East: Past and Present Nikki R. Keddie  ISBN-10: 0691128634 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691128634 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2006 S
Passionate Uprisings: Iran's Sexual Revolution Pardis Mahdavi ISBN-10: 0804758565 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804758567 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2009 S
Words, Not Swords: Iranian Women Writers and the Freedom of Movement Farzaneh Milani ISBN-13: 9780815632788 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2011
Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran Ziba Mir-Hosseini ISBN-13: 9780691010045 (paper) Princeton University Press, 1999
Burying the Beloved: Marriage, Realism, and Reform in Modern Iran Amy Motlagh ISBN-13: 9780804775892 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780804778183 Stanford University Press, 2011
Rethinking Global Sisterhood: Western Feminism and Iran Nima Naghibi ISBN-13: 9780816647590 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816647606 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2007 G
Professing Selves: Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire in Contemporary Iran Afsaneh Najmabadi ISBN-13: 9780822355434 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822355571 (paper) Duke University Press, 2013
Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling, and Reveiling Hamideh Sedghi ISBN-13: 9780521835817 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
Modernity, Sexuality, and Ideology in Iran: The Life and Legacy of Popular Iranian Female Artists Kamran Talattof ISBN-13: 9780815632245 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2011
Return to Top Arts, Literature, and LanguageThe World of Persian Literary Humanism Hamid Dabashi ISBN-13: 9780674066717 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2012
Mute Dreams, Blind Owls, and Dispersed Knowledges: Persian Poesis in the Transnational Circuitry Michael M. J. Fischer ISBN-13: 9780822332855 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822332985 (paper) Duke University Press, 2004 S
In a Persian Mirror: Images of the West and Westerners in Iranian Fiction M.R Ghanoonparvar ISBN-13: 9780292727618 (paper) University of Texas Press, 1993
Jasmine and Stars: Reading More Than Lolita in Tehran Fatemeh Keshavarz ISBN-13: 9780807831090 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807859575 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2007 G
Shiraz in the Age of Hafez: The Glory of a Medieval Persian City John W. Limbert  ISBN-13: 9780295983912 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2004 S
The Bathhouse: A Novel Farnoosh Moshiri ISBN-13: 9780807083574 (paper) Beacon Press, 2003 G
Displaced Allegories: Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema Negar Mottahedeh ISBN-13: 9780822342601 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822342755 (paper) Duke University Press, 2008 S
A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 1: The Artisanal Era, 1897–1941 Hamid Naficy ISBN-13: 9780822347545 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822347750 (paper) Duke University Press, 2011
A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 2: The Industrializing Years, 1941–1978 Hamid Naficy ISBN-13: 9780822347552 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822347743 (paper) Duke University Press, 2011
A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 3: The Islamicate Period, 1978–1984 Hamid Naficy ISBN-13: 9780822348658 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822348771 (paper) Duke University Press, 2012
A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 4: The Globalizing Era, 1984–2010 Hamid Naficy ISBN-13: 9780822348665 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822348788 (paper) Duke University Press, 2012
Women’s Autobiography in Contemporary Iran Afsaneh Najmabadi ISBN-13: 9780932885050 (paper) Harvard University Press, 1991
Barriers to the Broad Dissemination of Creative Works in the Arab World Lowell H. Schwartz, Todd C. Helmus, Dalia Dassa Kaye, and Nadia Oweidat ISBN-13: 9780833047304 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 G
Exiled Memories: Stories of the Iranian Diaspora Zohreh T. Sullivan ISBN-10: 1566398436 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566398428 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781566398435 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781439906415 Temple University Press, 2001
The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival Yasser Tabbaa ISBN-10: 0295981253 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0295981334 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295981338 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2001 S
Forbidden: Poems from Iran and Its Exiles Sholeh Wolpé, editor ISBN-13: 9781611860344 (paper) Michigan State University Press, 2012 Return to Top |