The 2003 Invasion and Its AftermathWhat Kind of Liberation?: Women and the Occupation of Iraq Nadje Al-Ali, Nicola Pratt ISBN-13: 9780520257290 (cloth) University of California Press, 2009 G
The Struggle for Iraq's Future: How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy Zaid Al-Ali ISBN-13: 9780300187267 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2014
The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace Ali A. Allawi ISBN-10: 0300136145 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300136142 (paper) Yale University Press, 2007 G
Bush's Wars Terry H. Anderson ISBN-13: 9780199747528 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2011
The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress: US-European Relations after Iraq David M. Andrews, editor ISBN-10: 0521614082 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521614085 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005
The Secret History of al Qaeda Abdel Bari Atwan ISBN-10: 0520249747 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520249745 (cloth) University of California Press, 2006 G
Success and Failure in Limited War: Information and Strategy in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars Spencer D. Bakich ISBN-13: 9780226107684 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226107714 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226107851 University of Chicago Press, 2014
The Battle for Iraq: BBC News Correspondents on the War against Saddam Sara Beck, Malcolm Downing, editors ISBN-10: 0801879361 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801879364 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 G
American Wars, American Peace: Notes from a Son of the Empire Philip D. Beidler ISBN-10: 082032969X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820329697 (cloth) University of Georgia Press, 2007 G
The International Law of Occupation Eyal Benvenisti ISBN-10: 0691121303 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691121307 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2004 S
Mass Deception: Moral Panic and the U.S. War on Iraq Scott A. Bonn ISBN-13: 9780813547893 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813549965 Rutgers University Press, 2010
Things Fall Apart: Containing the Spillover from an Iraqi Civil War Daniel L. Byman, Kenneth M. Pollack  ISBN-13: 9780815713791 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2007 G
The Gods of Diyala: Transfer of Command in Iraq Caleb S. Cage, Gregory M. Tomlin ISBN-13: 9781603440387 (cloth) Texas A&M University Press, 2008 G
Rebuilding War-Torn States: The Challenge of Post-Conflict Economic Reconstruction Graciana del Castillo ISBN-13: 9780199237739 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2008 G
Making States Work: State Failure and the Crisis of Governance Simon Chesterman, Michael Ignatieff, and Ramesh Thakur, editors ISBN-10: 928081107X (paper) ISBN-13: 9789280811070 (paper) United Nations University Press, 2005 G
After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy Christopher J. Coyne ISBN-13: 9780804754408 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2007 G
Orientalism and Islam: European Thinkers on Oriental Despotism in the Middle East and India Michael Curtis ISBN-13: 9780521767255 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521749619 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 G
A Matter of Principle: Humanitarian Arguments for War in Iraq Thomas Cushman, editor  ISBN-10: 0520245555 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520244863 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520245556 (paper) University of California Press, 2005 G
Beyond Preemption: Force and Legitimacy in a Changing World Ivo H. Daalder, editor ISBN-13: 9780815716853 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2007 G
Hiroshima After Iraq: Three Studies in Art and War Rosalyn Deutsche ISBN-13: 9780231152785 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231152792 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2010
The CIA and the Culture of Failure: U.S. Intelligence from the End of the Cold War to the Invasion of Iraq John Diamond ISBN-13: 9780804756013 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2008 S
America's Role in Nation-Building: From Germany to Iraq James Dobbins, ohn G. McGinn, Keith Crane, Seth G. Jones, Rollie Lal, Andrew Rathmell, Rachel M. Swanger, Anga Timilsina, , ISBN-10: 083303460X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833034601 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2003 G
Balance Sheet: The Iraq War and U.S. National Security John S. Duffield, Peter J. Dombrowski ISBN-13: 9780804760133 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2009 S
The Iraq Papers John Ehrenberg, J. Patrice McSherry, Jose Ramon Sanchez and Caroleen Marji Sayej ISBN-13: 9780195398595 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Terror and Territory: The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty Stuart Elden ISBN-13: 9780816654833 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816654840 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2009 S
Echoes of Violence: Letters from a War Reporter Carolin Emcke ISBN-13: 9780691129037 (cloth) Princeton University Press, 2007 G
Baghdad Bulletin: Dispatches on the American Occupation Dave Enders ISBN-13: 9780472114696 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472031696 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2005 G
Nimo’s War, Emma’s WarMaking Feminist Sense of the Iraq War Cynthia Enloe ISBN-13: 9780520260771 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520260788 (paper) University of California Press, 2010 G
Revolt on the Tigris:The Al-Sadr Uprising and the Governing of Iraq Mark Etherington ISBN-10: 0801444519 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801444517 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2005 G
What We Owe Iraq: War and the Ethics of Nation Building Noah Feldman  ISBN-10: 0691126127 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691126128 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2006 G
America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy Francis Fukuyama ISBN-10: 0300113994 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300113990 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300122534 (paper) Yale University Press, 2006
Nation-Building: Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq Francis Fukuyama ISBN-10: 0801883342 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801883347 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005 G
The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global, 2nd Edition Fawaz A. Gerges ISBN-13: 9780521519359 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521737432 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 G
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: A Photographer's Chronicle of the Iraq War Ashley Gilbertson ISBN-13: 9780226293257 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2007 G
Preventive Attack and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Comparative Historical Analysis Lyle J. Goldstein ISBN-13: 9780804750264 (cloth) Stanford University Press, 2006 S
Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq Daniel Gonzales, John Hollywood, Jerry M. Sollinger, James, McFadden, John DeJarnette, Sarah Harting, Donald Temple ISBN-13: 9780833043030 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2007 S
The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib Karen J. Greenberg, Joshua L. Dratel, editors ISBN-10: 0521853249 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521853248 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2005 G
The Torture Debate in America Karen J. Greenberg, editor ISBN-10: 0521674611 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521674614 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005 G
Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for the Next President Richard N. Haass, Martin S. Indyk  ISBN-13: 9780815738695 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2008 G
Suicide Bombers in Iraq: The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom Mohammed Hafez ISBN-13: 9781601270047 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2007 G/S
America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order Stefan Halper, Jonathan Clarke ISBN-13: 9780521838344 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521674607 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005 G
Negotiating in Civil Conflict: Constitutional Construction and Imperfect Bargaining in Iraq Haider Ala Hamoudi ISBN-13: 9780226315348 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226068824 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226068794 University of Chicago Press, 2013
Managing Arab-Kurd Tensions in Northern Iraq After the Withdrawal of U.S. Troops Larry Hanauer, Jeffrey Martini, Omar Al-Shahery, ISBN-13: 9780833053213 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011
Globalization and Empire: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq, Free Markets, and the Twilight of Democracy Stephen John Hartnett, Laura Ann Stengrim,  ISBN-10: 0817315012 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780817315016 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780817355623 (paper) University of Alabama Press, 2006 S
Explaining the Iraq War: Counterfactual Theory, Logic and Evidence Frank P. Harvey ISBN-13: 9781107014725 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781107676589 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2011
Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq Ahmed S. Hashim ISBN-10: 0801444527 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801444524 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2006
Networks of Democracy: Lessons from Kosovo for Afghanistan, Iraq and Beyond Anne Holohan ISBN-10: 0804751900 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0804751919 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780804751902 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804751919 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2005 S
American Public Opinion on the Iraq War Ole R. Holsti ISBN-13: 9780472117048 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472034802 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780472027828 University of Michigan Press, 2011
Ugly War Pretty Package: How CNN and Fox News Made the Invasion of Iraq High Concept Deborah L. Jaramillo ISBN-13: 9780253353634 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780253221223 (paper) Indiana University Press, 2009 S
Al Qaeda in Its Third Decade: Irreversible Decline or Imminent Victory? Brian Michael Jenkins ISBN-13: 9780833060259 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2012
Resisting Rebellion: The History and Politics of Counterinsurgency Anthony James Joes ISBN-10: 0813123399 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813123394 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813191706 (paper) University Press of Kentucky, 2004
Photojournalists on War: The Untold Stories from Iraq Michael Kamber ISBN-13: 9780292744080 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2013
Leaving without Losing: The War on Terror after Iraq and Afghanistan Mark N. Katz ISBN-13: 9781421405582 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781421411835 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012
Iraq in Wartime: Soldiering, Martyrdom, and Remembrance Dina Rizk Khoury ISBN-13: 9780521884617 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521711531 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781107302235 Cambridge University Press, 2013
Cradle of Conflict: Iraq and the Birth of the Modern U.S. Military Michael Knights ISBN-10: 1591144442 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591144441 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2005
From Superpower to Besieged Global Power: Restoring World Order after the Failure of the Bush Doctrine Edward A. Kolodziej, Roger E. Kanet, editors ISBN-13: 9780820329772 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820330747 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780820336350 University of Georgia Press, 2008 S
From Desolation to Reconstruction: Iraq’s Troubled Journey Mokhtar Lamani, Bessma Momani, editors ISBN-13: 9781554582297 (paper) Wilfrid Laurier University Press and Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), 2010
American Public Support for U.S. Military Operations from Mogadishu to Baghdad Eric V. Larson, Bogdan Savych ISBN-10: 0833036726 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833036728 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2005
Limits of U.S. Military Capability: Lessons from Vietnam and Iraq James H. Lebovic  ISBN-13: 9780801894725 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010 S
Losing Small Wars: British Military Failure in Iraq and Afghanistan Frank Ledwidge ISBN-13: 9780300182743 (paper) Yale University Press, 2012
Reshaping Rogue States: Preemption, Regime Change, and US Policy toward Iran, Iraq, and North Korea Alexander T. J. Lennon, Camille Eiss, editors ISBN-10: 0262621908 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262621908 (paper) MIT Press, 2004 G/S
The Road Ahead: Middle East Policy in the Bush Administration's Second Term Flynt Leverett, editor ISBN-10: 0815752059 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780815752059 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2005 S
The American Era: Power and Strategy for the 21st Century Robert J. Lieber ISBN-13: 9780521857376 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521697385 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 G
America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy James M. Lindsay, Ivo. H. Daalder ISBN-13: 9780815716884 (cloth) Brookings Institution Press, 2003 G
Iraq | Perspectives Benjamin Lowy ISBN-13: 9780822351665 (cloth) Duke University Press, 2011
After Bush: The Case for Continuity in American Foreign Policy Timothy J. Lynch, Robert S. Singh ISBN-13: 9780521880046 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2008
Baghdad at Sunrise: A Brigade Commander's War in Iraq Peter R. Mansoor ISBN-10: 030014069X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300140699 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2008 G
Surge: My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War Peter R. Mansoor ISBN-13: 9780300172355 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2013
Occupying Iraq: A History of the Coalition Provisional Authority Siddharth Mohandas ISBN-13: 9780833046659 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 S
The Iraq War: A Military History Williamson Murray, Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. ISBN-10: 0674012801 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0674019687 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780674012806 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674019683 (paper) Harvard University Press, 2003
From Vietnam to 9/11: On the Front Lines of National Security; 2nd edition John P. Murtha ISBN-10: 0271029285 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780271029283 (paper) Penn State University Press, 2006 G
Deployed: How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq Michael Musheno, Susan M. Ross ISBN-13: 9780472070299 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472050291 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2008 G
Deployed: How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq Michael Musheno, Susan M. Ross ISBN-13: 9780472050291 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2008 G
Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire Anne Norton ISBN-10: 0300109733 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300104363 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300109733 (paper) Yale University Press, 2005
Defense Strategy for the Post-Saddam Era Michael E. O'Hanlon ISBN-10: 0815764677 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780815764670 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2005 S
The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq Brendan O'Leary, John McGarry, and Khaled Salih, editors  ISBN-10: 0812238702 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0812219732 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780812238709 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812219739 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005 G
U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassesmen Olga Oliker, Keith Crane, Audra K. Grant, Terrence K. Kelly, Andrew Rathmell, David Brannan ISBN-13: 9780833041685 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
Where Is the Lone Ranger, Second Edition: America's Search for a Stability Force Robert M. Perito ISBN-13: 9781601271532 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2013 S
Sound Targets: American Soldiers and Music in the Iraq War Jonathan Pieslak ISBN-13: 9780253353238 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780253220875 (paper) Indiana University Press, 2009 S
Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform Paul R. Pillar ISBN-13: 9780231157926 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2011 G
Terrorism and U.S Foreign Policy Paul R. Pillar ISBN-10: 0815700040 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0815770774 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780815700043 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780815770770 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2003
Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003- 2006): RAND Counterinsurgency Study-- Volume 2 Bruce R. Pirnie, Edward O’Connell ISBN-13: 9780833042972 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
A Switch in Time: A New Strategy for America in Iraq Kenneth M. Pollack  ISBN-10: 0815771517 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780815771517 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2006 S
Deradicalizing Islamist Extremists Angel Rabasa, Stacie L. Pettyjohn, Jeremy J. Ghez, Christopher Boucek ISBN-13: 9780833050908 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2010 S
From Insurgency to Stability: Volume I: Key Capabilities and Practices Angel Rabasa, John Gordon IV, Peter Chalk, et al. ISBN-13: 9780833052995 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2011 G
Developing Iraq’s Security Sector: The Coalition Provisional Authority’s Experience Andrew Rathmell, Olga Oliker, Terrence K. Kelly, David Brannan, Keith Crane ISBN-10: 0833038230 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833038234 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2005 G
Behind the Invasion of Iraq The Research Unit for Political Economy ISBN-10: 1583670939 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781583670934 (paper) New York University Press, distributed for Monthly Review Press, 2003
Basrah, Baghdad, and Beyond: The U.S. Marine Corps in the Second Iraq War Nicholas E. Reynolds ISBN-10: 1591147174 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591147176 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2005
Arab Economies in the Twenty-First Century Paul Rivlin ISBN-13: 9780521895002 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521719230 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War Antonius C.G.M. Robben, editor ISBN-13: 9780812242034 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812221831 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009 G
The Right War?: The Conservative Debate on Iraq Gary Rosen, editor ISBN-13: 9780521856812 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521673181 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005 G
The Rape of Mesopotamia: Behind the Looting of the Iraq Museum Lawrence Rothfield ISBN-13: 9780226729459 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2009 G
Ruff’s War: A Navy Nurse on the Frontline in Iraq Cdr. Cheryl L. Ruff, Cdr. K. Sue Roper ISBN-10: 1591147395 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591147398 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2005
Security Sector Reform and Post Conflict Peace Building Albrecht Schnabel, Hans-Georg Ehrhart, editors ISBN-10: 9280811096 (paper) ISBN-13: 9789280811094 (paper) United Nations University Press, 2006 G
A Revolution in Military Adaptation: The US Army in the Iraq War Chad C. Serena ISBN-13: 9781589017832 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781589018006 Georgetown University Press, 2011
Insurgents, Terrorists, and Militias: The Warriors of Contemporary Combat Richard H. Shultz Jr., Andrea Dew ISBN-10: 0231129823 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231129824 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231129831 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2006 G
Arms Control After Iraq: Normative and Operational Challenges Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Ramesh Thakur, editors ISBN-10: 9280811312 (paper) ISBN-13: 9789280811315 (paper) United Nations University Press, 2006 G
Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry, Updated Edition P.W. Singer ISBN-13: 9780801474361 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2008
Sister in the Band of Brothers: Embedded with the 101st Airborne in Iraq Katherine M. Skiba ISBN-10: 070061382X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780700613823 (cloth) University Press of Kansas, 2005 G
Why War?: The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War, and Suez Philip Smith ISBN-10: 0226763889 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226763880 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2005 G
Facilitating Dialogue: USIP's Work in Conflict Zones David R. Smock, Daniel Serwer ISBN-13: 9781601271402 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2012 G
In the Space of Theory: Postfoundational Geographies of the Nation-State Matthew Sparke ISBN-13: 9780816631896 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816631902 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2005 S
The Law and Practice of International Territorial Administration: Versailles to Iraq and Beyond Carsten Stahn ISBN-13: 9780521878005 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2008 S
Can Might Make Rights?: Building the Rule of Law after Military Interventions Jane Stromseth, Rosa Brooks, and David Wippman ISBN-10: 052186089X (cloth) ISBN-10: 0521678013 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521860895 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521678018 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2006 G
Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries,Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery Terri Tanielian, Lisa H. Jaycox, editors ISBN-13: 9780833044549 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
The Iraq Crisis and World Order: Structural, Institutional and Normative Challenges Ramesh Thakur, Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, editors ISBN-10: 9280811282 (paper) ISBN-13: 9789280811285 (paper) United Nations University Press, 2006 G
Future U.S. Security Relationships with Iraq and Afghanistan: U.S. Air Force Roles David E. Thaler, Theodore W. Karasik, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Jennifer D.P. Moroney, Frederic Wehrey, Obaid Younossi, Farhana Ali, Robert A. Guffey ISBN-13: 9780833041975 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
The U.S. Army Stability Operations Field Manual: U.S. Army Field Manual No. 3-07 The United States Army, Foreword by Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell, IV ISBN-13: 9780472033904 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2009 S
Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq Michael Walzer, Nicolaus Mills, Editors ISBN-13: 9780812242164 (cloth) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009 G
Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation, and Implications for U.S. Policy Frederic Wehrey, Theodore Karasik, Alireza Nader, Jeremy Ghez, Lydia Hansell, Robert A. Guffey ISBN-13: 9780833046574 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 S
Sectarian Politics in the Gulf: From the Iraq War to the Arab Uprisings Frederic M. Wehrey ISBN-13: 9780231165129 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2013
Engineering Peace: The Military Role in Postconflict Reconstruction Colonel Garland H. Williams ISBN-10: 1929223579 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781929223572 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2005
Return to Top Iraq’s History General From British Influence to Saddam The Caliphate and Ottoman Rule Ancient Mesopotamia Iraq’s History: GeneralThe Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice since 1967, 2nd Edition Foaud Ajami ISBN-13: 9780521432436 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521438339 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 1992 S
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and Commercial Classes and of Its Communists, Ba'thists, and Free Officers Hanna Batatu ISBN eBook: 9781400820528 Princeton University Press, 2001 S
Turmoil in the Middle East: Imperialism, War, and Political Instability Berch Berberoglu ISBN-10: 0791444112 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0791444120 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791444115 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791444122 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1999 G
Reclaiming a Plundered Past: Archaeology and Nation Building in Modern Iraq Magnus T. Bernhardsson ISBN-10: 0292709471 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780292709478 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780292725959 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2005 S
Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair Adeed Dawisha ISBN-10: 0691102732 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0691122725 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691102733 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691122724 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2002 S
Iraq: A Political History from Independence to Occupation Adeed Dawisha ISBN-10: (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691139579 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691157931 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400846238 Princeton University Press, 2009 S
The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State Noah Feldman ISBN-13: 9780691120454 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691156248 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400845026 Princeton University Press, 2008 G
A History of the Arab Peoples, Second Edition Albert Hourani, Malise Ruthven ISBN-10: 0674010175 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674010178 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2003 G
Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America’s Perilous Path in the Middle East Rashid Khalidi ISBN-10: 0807002348 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807002356 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807002346 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807002353 (paper) Beacon Press, 2005 G
The Violence of Petro-dollar Regimes: Algeria, Iraq, and Libya Luis Martinez ISBN-13: 9780231703024 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2012
Reaching For Power: The Shi'a in the Modern Arab World Yitzhak Nakash  ISBN-13: 9780691134789 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2007 S
The Kurdish Quasi-State: Development and Dependency in Post-Gulf War Iraq Denise Natali ISBN-13: 9780815632177 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2010 S
From Mesopotamia to Iraq: A Concise History Hans J. Nissen, Peter Heine ISBN-13: 9780226586649 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2009 G
The Unmaking of the Middle East: A History of Western Disorder in Arab Lands Jeremy Salt ISBN-13: 9780520255517 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520261709 (paper) University of California Press, 2009 G
Baghdad Sketches Freya Stark ISBN-10: 0810160234 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780810160231 (paper) Northwestern University Press, 1992 G
A History of Iraq: 3rd Edition Charles Tripp ISBN-13: 9780521878234 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521702478 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 G
The Legal Dimensions of Oil and Gas in Iraq: Current Reality and Future Prospects Rex J. Zedalis ISBN-13: 9780521766616 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
Iraq’s History: From British Influence to SaddamFrom Dictatorship to Democracy: An Insider's Account of the Iraqi Opposition to Saddam Hamid al-Bayati ISBN-13: 9780812242881 (cloth) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010 G
Faisal I of Iraq Ali A. Allawi ISBN-13: 9780300127324 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2014
The Other Iraq: Pluralism and Culture in Hashemite Iraq Orit Bashkin ISBN-13: 9780804759922 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804773669 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2009 S
Saddam's Word: Political Discourse in Iraq Ofra Bengio  ISBN-10: 0195151852 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195151855 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2002 G
Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age Daniel Chirot ISBN-10: 0691027773 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691027777 (paper) Princeton University Press, 1996 G
Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq Eric Davis ISBN-10: 0520235452 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0520235460 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520235458 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520235465 (paper) University of California Press, 2005
Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied Toby Dodge ISBN-10: 0231131674 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780231131667 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231131674 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2005 G
Iraq from Monarchy to Tyranny: From the Hashemites to the Rise of Saddam Michael Eppel ISBN-10: 0813027365 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813027364 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2004 G
Western Imperialism in the Middle East, 1914-1958 D. K. Fieldhouse ISBN-10: 0199287376 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199287376 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2006 S
Red Star Over Iraq: Iraqi Communism Before Saddam Johan Franzén ISBN-13: 9780231702300 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2011
Rules and Rights in the Middle East: Democracy, Law, and Society Ellis Goldberg, Resat Kasaba, Joel S. Migdal, editors ISBN-10: 0295972874 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295972879 (paper) University of Washington Press, 1993 S
The Making of Iraq, 1900-1963: Capital, Power, and Ideology Samira Haj ISBN-10: 0791432424 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791432426 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1997 G
The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Iraq Tareq Y. Ismael ISBN-13: 9780521873949 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781107405219 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 S
Reclaiming Iraq: The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State Abbas Kadhim ISBN-13: 9780292739246 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2012
Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq Kanan Makiya ISBN-10: 0520214390 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520214392 (paper) University of California Press, 1998 G
The Violence of Petrodollar Regimes: Algeria, Iraq, and Libya Luis Martinez ISBN-13: 9780231703024 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2012
Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000 Melani McAlister ISBN-13: 9780520244993 (paper) University of California Press, 2005 G/S
Saddam Hussein's Ba'th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon ISBN-13: 9780521193016 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521149150 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781139210416 Cambridge University Press, 2011
Britain's Informal Empire in the Middle East: A Case Study of Iraq 1929-1941 Daniel Silverfarb, Majid Khadduri ISBN-10: 0195039971 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780195039979 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 1986 S
The Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921 Reeva Spector Simon, Eleanor H. Tejirian, editors ISBN-10: 023113293X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780231132923 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231132930 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2005 S
Iraq Between the Two World Wars: The Militarist Origins of Tyranny Reeva Spector Simon ISBN-10: 023113214X (cloth) ISBN-10: 0231132158 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780231132145 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231132152 (paper) Columbia University Press, 2004
Germ Gambits: The Bioweapons Dilemma, Iraq and Beyond Amy E. Smithson ISBN-13: 9780804775526 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804775533 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780804780711 Stanford University Press, 2011
Desert Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia Charles Townshend Harvard University Press/Belknap Press, 2011
The Saddam Tapes: The Inner Workings of a Tyrant's Regime, 1978–2001 Kevin M. Woods, David D. Palkki, Mark E. Stout, editors ISBN-13: 9781107016859 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781107693487 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781139211802 Cambridge University Press, 2011
Iraq’s History: The Caliphate and Ottoman RuleThe Politics of Regional Trade in Iraq, Arabia, and the Gulf, 1745-1900 Hala Fattah ISBN-10: 0791431142 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791431146 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1997 G
Mosul before Iraq: Like Bees Making Five-Sided Cells Sarah D. Shields ISBN-10: 0791444880 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791444887 (paper) State University of New York Press, 2000 G
Mahdis and Millenarians: Shiite Extremists in Early Muslim Iraq William F. Tucker ISBN-13: 9780521883849 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521178372 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780511368394 Cambridge University Press, 2008 S
Iraq’s History: Ancient MesopotamiaCivilizations of Ancient Iraq Benjamin R. Foster, Karen Polinger Foster ISBN-13: 9780691137223 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691149974 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2009 S
Mathematics in Ancient Iraq: A Social History Eleanor Robson ISBN-13: 9780691091822 (cloth) Princeton University Press, 2008 S
The Final Sack of Nineveh John Malcolm Russell ISBN-10: 0300074182 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300074185 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1998 S
Civilization Before Greece and Rome H. W. F. Saggs ISBN-10: 0300050313 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300044409 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300050318 (paper) Yale University Press, 1991
Ledgers and Prices: Early Mesopotamian Merchant Accounts Daniel C. Snell ISBN-10: 0300025173 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300025170 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1982 S
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American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea Gawdat Bahgat ISBN-10: 0813026393 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813026398 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2003
Iraq, Its Neighbors, and the United States: Competition, Crisis, and the Reordering of Power Henri J. Barkey, Scott B. Lasensky, Phebe Marr, editors ISBN-13: 9781601270771 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2011 S
Dialogues in Arab Politics: Negotiations in Regional Order Michael Barnett ISBN-10: 0231109180 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0231109199 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780231109185 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231109192 (paper) Columbia University Press, 1998 S
Allies Divided: Transatlantic Policies for the Greater Middle East Robert D. Blackwill, Michael Sturmer, editors ISBN-10: 0262522446 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262522441 (paper) MIT Press, 1997
The Middle East Military Balance, 1999-2000 Shlomo Brom, Yiftah Shapir, editors ISBN-10: 0262024780 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262024785 (cloth) MIT Press, 1999 S
The Middle East Military Balance, 2001–2002 Shlomo Brom, Yiftah Shapir ISBN-10: 0262062313 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262062312 (cloth) MIT Press, 2002 S
Confronting Iraq: U.S. Policy and the Use of Force Since the Gulf War Daniel L. Byman, Matthew Waxman  ISBN-10: 0833028138 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833028136 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2000 G
The Persian Gulf in the Coming Decade: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities Daniel L. Byman, John R. Wise  ISBN-10: 0833032062 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833032065 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2002
Vortex of Conflict: U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq Dan Caldwell ISBN-13: 9780804776660 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2011 G
The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements Abram Chayes, Antonia Handler Chayes ISBN-10: 0674617827 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0674617835 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780674617827 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674617834 (paper) Harvard University Press, 1998 S
Crescent of Crisis: U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East Ivo H. Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, and Philip H. Gordon, editors ISBN-10: 0815716907 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0815716893 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780815716907 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780815716891 (paper) Brookings Institution Press, 2005
Re-Envisioning Peacekeeping: The United Nations and the Mobilization of Ideology Francois Debrix ISBN-10: 0816632367 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0816632375 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780816632374 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 1999 S
The Arab World After Desert Storm Muhammad Faour ISBN-10: 1878379313 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781878379313 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 1993
International Relations of the Middle East, New Edition Louise Fawcett ISBN-10: 0199269637 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780199269631 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2005 G
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Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in the Middle East Shai Feldman ISBN-10: 0262561085 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262061896 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262561082 (paper) MIT Press, 1996 S
Ally to Adversary: An Eyewitness Account of Iraq's Fall from Grace Rick Francona  ISBN-10: 1557502811 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781557502810 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 1999 G
Bridging the Gap: Theory and Practice in Foreign Policy Alexander L. George ISBN-10: 1878379224 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781878379221 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 1993
Oil in the New World Order Kate Gillespie, Clement M. Henry ISBN-10: 0813013674 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813013671 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 1995
Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions Joy Gordon ISBN-13: 9780674035713 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674064089 (paper) Harvard University Press, 2010
The Mujahedin-e Khalq in Iraq: A Policy Conundrum Jeremiah Goulka, Lydia Hansell, Elizabeth Wilke, Judith Larson ISBN-13: 9780833047014 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2009 G
Missions Accomplished?: The United States and Iraq Since World War I Peter L. Hahn ISBN-13: 9780195333381 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2011
The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology Fred Halliday ISBN-10: 0521597412 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521597418 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005
The Middle East: The Changing Strategic Environment F. Stephen Larrabee ISBN-13: 9780833039507 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2006 G
Planning the Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Peter R. Lavoy, Scott D. Sagan, and James D. Wirtz ISBN-10: 0801487048 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780801487040 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2000 S
Why Syria Goes to War: Thirty Years of Confrontation Fred H. Lawson ISBN-10: 0801423732 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801423734 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 1996
Biological Weapons: Limiting the Threat Joshua Lederberg, editor ISBN-10: 0262621282 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262621281 (paper) MIT Press, 1999
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East since 1945 Douglas Little ISBN-10: 0807855391 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807855393 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2004
Rogue States and U.S. Foreign Policy: Containment after the Cold War Robert S. Litwak  ISBN-10: 0943875978 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780943875972 (paper) Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2000
Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism, 2nd Edition Zachary Lockman ISBN-13: 9780521115872 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521133074 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009 S
Voices of the New Arab Public: Iraq, al-Jazeera, and Middle East Politics Today Marc Lynch ISBN-10: 0231134487 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231134484 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2006 G
The International Struggle Over Iraq: Politics in the UN Security Council 1980-2005 David M. Malone ISBN-13: 9780199238682 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2007 S
Rightsizing the State: The Politics of Moving Borders Brendan O'Leary, Ian S. Lustick, and Thomas Callaghy, editors ISBN-10: 0199244901 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199244904 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2002 S
The Kurdish Nationalist Movement in the 1990s: Its Impact on Turkey and the Middle East Robert Olson ISBN-10: 0813108969 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813108964 (paper) University Press of Kentucky, 1996
Arabs at War, Military Effectiveness, 1948–1991 Kenneth M. Pollack  ISBN-10: 0803237332 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0803287836 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780803237339 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780803287839 (paper) University of Nebraska Press, 1991 G
Suits and Uniforms: Turkish Foreign Policy Since the Cold War Philip Robins ISBN-10: 0295982810 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295982816 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2003 S
Anti-American Terrorism and the Middle East: A Documentary Reader Barry Rubin, Judith Colp Rubin ISBN-10: 0195176596 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195176599 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2002 G
The Iraq Effect: The Middle East After the Iraq War Frederic Wehrey, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Jessica Watkins, Jeffrey, Martini, Robert A. Guffey ISBN-13: 9780833047885 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2010 G
Iraq and the Use of Force in International Law Marc Weller ISBN-13: 9780199595303 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2010
Detect, Dismantle, and Disarm: IAEA Verification, 1992–2005 Christine Wing, Fiona Simpson ISBN-13: 9781601270764 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 2013 S
Crude Awakenings: Global Oil Security and American Foreign Policy Steve A. Yetiv  ISBN-10: 0801442680 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801442681 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2004
Iraq’s International Relations: The First Gulf WarA Review of the Scientific Literature as it Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses: Volume 5: Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents William Augerson ISBN-10: 0833026801 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833026804 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2000 S
Military Persuasion: Deterrence and Provocation in Crisis and War Stephen Cimbala ISBN-10: 0271010061 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780271010069 (paper) Penn State University Press, 1999
Into the Desert: Reflections on the Gulf War Jeffrey Engel, editor ISBN-13: 9780199796281 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2012
Shifting Lines in the Sand: Kuwait’s Elusive Frontier with Iraq David H. Finnie ISBN-10: 0674806395 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674806399 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 1992
The Gulf Conflict, 1990-1991: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order Lawrence Freedman, Efraim Karsh ISBN-10: 0691037728 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691037721 (paper) Princeton University Press, 1995
The Middle East after Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait Robert O. Freedman ISBN-10: 0813012147 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0813012155 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813012148 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813012155 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1993
The Continuing Storm: Iraq, Poisonous Weapons, and Deterrence Avigdor Haselkorn ISBN-10: 0300075820 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300075823 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1999
Presidential Decisions for War: Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq, 2nd edition Gary R. Hess  ISBN-13: 9780801891236 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801891243 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009 S
Camp Colt to Desert Storm: The History of U.S. Armored Forces George F. Hofmann, Donn A. Starry, editors ISBN-10: 0813121302 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813121307 (cloth) University Press of Kentucky, 1999 G
Combined Arms Warfare In The Twentieth Century Jonathan House ISBN-10: 0700610812 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0700610987 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780700610815 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780700610983 (paper) University Press of Kansas, 2001 S
The Gulf War and the New World Order: International Relations of the Middle East Tareq Y. Ismael, Jacqueline S. Ismael ISBN-10: 0813012643 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0813012651 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813012643 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813012650 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1994 G
War in the Gulf, 1990-91: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and its Implications Majid Khadduri, Edmund Ghareeb ISBN-10: 0195149793 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195149791 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2001 G
America's Battalion: Marines in the First Gulf War Otto J. Lehrack ISBN-10: 0817314520 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780817314521 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780817354978 (paper) University of Alabama Press, 2005 G
Saddam's War of Words: Politics, Religion, and the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait Jerry Mark Long ISBN-10: 0292702647 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780292702646 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2004 S
Shield and Sword: The United States Navy in the Persian Gulf War Edward J. Marolda  ISBN-10: 1557504857 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781557504852 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2001 G
Tip of the Spear: U.S. Marine Light Armor in the Gulf War G. J. Michaels ISBN-10: 1557505993 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781557505996 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591144984 (paper) Naval Institute Press, 1998 S
America Recommitted: A Superpower Assesses Its Role in a Turbulent World (2nd edition) Donald E. Nuechterlein ISBN-10: 0813190053 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813190051 (paper) University Press of Kentucky, 2000
Bombing to Win: Air Power and Coercion in War Robert A. Page ISBN-10: 0801483115 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780801483110 (paper) Cornell University Press, 1996
Dark Victory: America’s Second War Against Iraq Jeffrey Record ISBN-10: 1591147115 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591147114 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2004
Special Operations Forces and Elusive Enemy Ground Targets: Lessons from Vietnam and the Persian Gulf War William Rosenau ISBN-10: 083303071X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780833030719 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2001
Friendly Fire: The Accidental Shootdown of U.S. Black Hawks over Northern Iraq Scott A. Snook ISBN-10: 0691095183 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691095189 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2002
Hornets over Kuwait Jay A. Stout  ISBN-10: 1557508356 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 1997 G
Baghdad Express: A Gulf War Memoir Joel Turnipseed  ISBN-10: 0873514505 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780873514507 (cloth) Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books, 2003 G
The Eyes of Orion: Five Tank Lieutenants in the Persian Gulf War Alex Vernon, with Neal Creighton, Jr., Greg Downey, Rob Holmes, and Dave Trybula ISBN-10: 0873386337 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0873387155 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780873386333 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780873387156 (paper) Kent State University Press, 1999 G
Explaining Foreign Policy: U.S. Decision-Making in the Gulf Wars Steve A. Yetiv  ISBN-13: 9780801898938 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801898945 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011 S
Iraq’s International Relations: The Iran/Iraq WarA Poisonous Affair: America, Iraq, and the Gassing of Halabja Joost R. Hiltermann ISBN-13: 9780521876865 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2007 G
The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq: How Peacemaking Changed Cameron R. Hume ISBN-10: 0253328748 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780253328748 (cloth) Indiana University Press, 1994
Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution, Updated Edition Nikki R. Keddie, with a section by Yann Richard  ISBN-10: 0300121059 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300121056 (paper) Yale University Press, 2006 G
Iranian Perspectives on the Iran-Iraq War Farhang Rajaee ISBN-10: 081301476X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813014760 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 1993 S
The Iran-Iraq War: The Politics of Aggression Farhang Rajaee ISBN-10: 0813011760 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0813011779 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813011769 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813011776 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1997 G
My Life Is a Weapon: A Modern History of Suicide Bombing Christoph Reuter ISBN-10: 0691117594 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0691126151 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691117591 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691126159 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2006 G
Return to Top Iraq’s Culture and Society The People of Iraq Religion Art, Literature, and Language Iraq’s Culture and Society: The People of IraqWomen and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate Leila Ahmed ISBN-10: 0300055838 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300055832 (paper) Yale University Press, 1993
Swimming Up the Tigris: Real Life Encounters with Iraq Barbara Nimri Aziz ISBN-13: 9780813031446 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2007 G
Shi’ism and Social Protest Juan R. I. Cole, Nikki R. Keddie ISBN-10: 0300035535 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300035537 (paper) Yale University Press, 1986 S
Women in Iraq: Past Meets Present Noga Efrati ISBN-13: 9780231158145 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2012
Sectarianism in Iraq: Antagonistic Visions of Unity Fanar Haddad ISBN-13: 9780231702324 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2011
Resolving Kirkuk: Lessons Learned from Settlements of Earlier Ethno-Territorial Conflicts Larry Hanauer, Laurel E. Miller ISBN-13: 9780833068422 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2012 S
A Documentary History of Modern Iraq Stacy E. Holden, editor ISBN-13: 9780813040165 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2012
Women in Middle Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender Nikki R. Keddie, Beth Baron, editors  ISBN-10: 0300056974 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300050059 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300056976 (paper) Yale University Press, 1993
Kurdistan on the Global Stage: Kinship, Land, and Community in Iraq Diane E. King ISBN-13: 9780813563534 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813563527 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813563541 Rutgers University Press, 2013
Voices from Iraq: A People’s History, 2003-2009 Mark Kukis ISBN-13: 9780231156929 (cloth) Columbia University Press, 2011
The Shi’is of Iraq Yitzhak Nakash  ISBN-10: 0691115753 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691034317 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691115757 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2003 S
The Wake of War: Encounters with the People of Iraq and Afghanistan Anne Nivat ISBN-10: 0807002402 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807002407 (cloth) Beacon Press, 2005 G
The Last Jews in Baghdad: Remembering a Lost Homeland Nissim Rejwan ISBN-10: 0292702930 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780292702936 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2004 G
The Kurdish Nationalist Movement: Opportunity, Mobilization and Identity David Romano ISBN-13: 9780521850414 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521684262 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2006 S
Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance Kimberly Wedeven Segall ISBN-13: 9780815633433 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780815652564 Syracuse University Press, 2013
Nationalism and Minority Identities in Islamic Societies Maya Shatzmiller ISBN-10: 0773528474 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0773528482 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780773528475 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780773528482 (paper) McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005
Iraq’s Culture and Society: ReligionNew Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq Orit Bashkin ISBN-13: 9780804778749 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780804778756 (paper) Stanford University Press, 2012
Roman Catholics and Shi‘i Muslims: Prayer, Passion, and Politics James A. Bill, John Alden Williams ISBN-10: 0807826898 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807854999 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807826898 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807854990 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2003 S
Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power Jonathan Bloom, Sheila Blair ISBN-10: 0300094221 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300094220 (paper) Yale University Press, 2001
Muslim Networks from Hajj to Hip Hop Miriam Cooke, Bruce B. Lawrence, editors ISBN-10: 0807829234 (cloth) ISBN-10: 080785588X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807829233 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807855881 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2005 G
Following Muhammad Carl W. Ernst ISBN-10: 0807828378 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807855774 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807828373 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807855775 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2004 S
Islam and Social Policy Stephen P. Heyneman, Editor ISBN-10: 0826514464 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0826514472 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780826514479 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2004 S
Shi‘i Scholars of Nineteenth-Century Iraq: The ‘Ulama’ of Najaf and Karbala’ Meir Litvak ISBN-10: 0521892961 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521892964 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002 S
The Renewal of Islamic Law: Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr, Najaf and the Shi'i International Chibli Mallat ISBN-10: 0521531225 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521531221 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2004
An Introduction to Shi'i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi’ism Moojan Momen ISBN-10: 0300035314 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300035315 (paper) Yale University Press, 1987 S
Islam and Revolution in the Middle East Harry Munson, Jr. ISBN-10: 0300046049 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300046045 (paper) Yale University Press, 1989
The Politics of Knowledge in Premodern Islam: Negotiating Ideology and Religious Inquiry Omid Safi ISBN-10: 0807829935 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807856576 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807829936 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807856574 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2006 S
Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, Enlarged Edition Emmanuel Sivan ISBN-10: 0300049153 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300049152 (paper) Yale University Press, 1990
Iraq’s Culture and Society: Art, Literature, and LanguageThe Waiting List: An Iraqi Woman's Tales of Alienation Daisy Al-Amir ISBN-10: 0292790678 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780292790674 (paper) University of Texas Press, 1994 G
Love, Death, and Exile: Poems Translated from Arabic, Bilingual Edition Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati, translated by Bassam K. Frangieh ISBN-10: 1589010043 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781589010048 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2004 G
Scattered Crumbs: A Novel Muhsin Al-Ramli ISBN-10: 1557287503 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781557287502 (paper) University of Arkansas Press, 2003 G
Modern Iraqi Arabic with MP3 Files: A Textbook, Second Edition Yasin M. Alkalesi ISBN-10: 1589011309 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781589011304 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2006 G
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Intermediate Arabic (Student Text) Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Intermediate Learners Mahdi Alosh ISBN-10: 0300103786 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300103786 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2005
Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus Joan Aruz, Ronald Wallenfel, editors ISBN-10: 0300098839 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300098839 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781588390448 (paper) Yale University Press, 2003
Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science Hans Belting, Deborah Lucas Schneider, translator ISBN-13: 9780674050044 (cloth) Harvard University Press/Belknap Press, 2011
Exile from Exile: Israeli Writers from Iraq Nancy E. Berg ISBN-10: 0791429806 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791429808 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1996 G
Reading Sumerian Poetry Jeremy Black ISBN-10: 0801435986 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801435980 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 1998 S
Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary Jeremy A. Black, Anthony Green ISBN-13: 9780292707948 (paper) University of Texas Press, 1992 G
The Art and Architecture of Islam, 1250–1800 Sheila Blair, Jonathan Bloom ISBN-10: 0300064659 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300064650 (paper) Yale University Press, 1996
Folktales from Iraq Charles G. Campbell, editor and translator ISBN-10: 0812219139 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780812219135 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005 G
Kurdish-English Dictionary Michael L. Chyet, with selected etymologies by Martin Schwartz ISBN-10: 0300091524 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300091526 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2003
A Dictionary of Iraqi Arabic: English-Arabic, Arabic-English B.E. Clarity, Karl Stowasser, Ronald G. Wolfe, D.R. Woodhead, Wayne Beene, editors ISBN-10: 0878401369 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878401369 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2004 G
Assyrian Palace Sculptures Paul Collins ISBN-13: 9780292721692 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2009 G
Placing the Poet: Badr Shakir al-Sayyab and Postcolonial Iraq Terri DeYoung ISBN-10: 0791437329 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791437322 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1998 G
A Basic Course in Iraqi Arabic with MP3 Audio Files Wallace Erwin ISBN-10: 1589010116 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781589010116 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2004 G
A Short Reference Grammar of Iraqi Arabic Wallace Erwin ISBN-10: 1589010108 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781589010109 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2004 G
Islamic Art and Architecture, 650-1250 Richard Ettinghausen, Oleg Grabar, Marilyn Jenkins-Madina ISBN-10: 0300088698 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300088694 (paper) Yale University Press, 2003
A Grammar of Classical Arabic, Third Revised Edition Wolfdietrich Fischer, Translated from the German by Jonathan Rodgers ISBN-10: 0300084374 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300084375 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2001
Anthology of Arabic Literature, Culture, and Thought from Pre-Islamic Times to the Present Bassam K. Frangieh ISBN-10: 0300104936 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300104936 (cloth) Yale University Press, 2004
The Formation of Islamic Art, Revised and Enlarged Oleg Grabar ISBN-10: 0300040466 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300040463 (paper) Yale University Press, 1987
Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna Betty De Shong Meador ISBN-13: 9780292752429 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2001 G
Princess, Priestess, Poet: The Sumerian Temple Hymns of Enheduanna Betty De Shong Meador ISBN-13: 9780292719323 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2009 G
Contemporary Iraqi Fiction: An Anthology Shakir Mustafa, editor and translator ISBN-13: 9780815609025 (cloth) Syracuse University Press, 2008 G
Nine Parts of Desire: A Play Heather Raffo ISBN-10: 0810123452 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780810123458 (paper) Northwestern University Press, 2006 G
The Arabic Language and National Identity Yasir Suleiman ISBN-10: 0878403957 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878403950 (paper) Georgetown University Press, 2003 G
The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival Yasser Tabbaa ISBN-10: 0295981253 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0295981334 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780295981338 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2001 S
Elementary Arabic : An Integrated Approach: Student Workbook Munther A. Younes, Illustrated by Micah Garen ISBN-10: 0300060858 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300060850 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1995
Intermediate Arabic : An Integrated Approach Munther A. Younes, Illustrated by Micah Garen ISBN-10: 0300072406 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300072402 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1998
Women on a Journey: Between Baghdad and London Haifa Zangana ISBN-13: 9780292714847 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2006 G
Return to Top Pre-Invasion Issues Preventive Diplomacy Military Strategy Pre-Invasion Issues: Preventive DiplomacyConflict Prevention: Path to Peace or Grand Illusion? David Carment, Albrecht Schnabel, editors ISBN-10: 9280810812 (paper) ISBN-13: 9789280810813 (paper) United Nations University Press, 2003 S
Building Sustainable Peace W. Andy Knight, Tom Keating, editors ISBN-13: 9780888644145 (paper) University of Alberta Press and United Nations University Press, 2004 G
War and Reconciliation: Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution William J. Long, Peter Brecke ISBN-10: 0262122545 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262122542 (cloth) MIT Press, 2003 S
Preventing Violent Conflicts: A Strategy for Preventive Diplomacy Michael Lund ISBN-10: 1878379526 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781878379528 (paper) United States Institute of Peace Press, 1996 S
U.S. Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: The Relevance of Realism Robert J. Myers  ISBN-10: 0807123455 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807123454 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 1999 G
The Politics of Justifying Force: The Suez Crisis, the Iraq War, and International Law Charlotte Peevers ISBN-13: 9780199686957 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2014
Pre-Invasion Issues: Military StrategyAfter Saddam: Prewar Planning and the Occupation of Iraq Nora Bensahel, Olga Oliker, Keith Crane, Richard R. Brennan, Jr., Heather S. Gregg, Thomas Sullivan, Andrew Rathmell ISBN-13: 9780833044587 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008 S
Treading on Hallowed Ground: Counterinsurgency Operations in Sacred Spaces C. Christine Fair, Sumit Ganguly ISBN-13: 9780195342048 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2008 G
Seapower as Strategy: Navies and National Interests Norman Friedman  ISBN-10: 1557502919 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781557502919 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2001 S
Terrorism, Afghanistan, and America's New Way of War Norman Friedman  ISBN-10: 1591142903 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591142904 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2003 G
How Effective Is Strategic Bombing? Lessons Learned from World War II to Kosovo Gian P. Gentile ISBN-10: 081473135X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814731352 (cloth) New York University Press, 2001
Stray Voltage: War in the Information Age Wayne M. Hall  ISBN-10: 1591143500 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781591143505 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2003 S
Why Intelligence Fails: Lessons from the Iranian Revolution and the Iraq War Robert Jervis ISBN-13: 9780801447853 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2010 G
The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One David Kilcullen ISBN-13: 9780195368345 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2009 G
Victory In War: Principles of Contemporary Military Policy William C. Martel ISBN-10: 0521859565 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521859561 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2006 G
Precision Revolution: GPS and the Future of Aerial Warfare Michael R. Rip, James M. Hasik  ISBN-10: 1557509735 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781557509734 (cloth) Naval Institute Press, 2001 S
Winning the Next War: Innovation and the Modern Military Stephen Peter Rosen ISBN-13: 9780801481963 (paper) Cornell University Press, 1994 S
Fixing the Facts: National Security and the Politics of Intelligence Joshua Rovner ISBN-13: 9780801448294 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2011 G
Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II The United States Army ISBN-13: 9780226841700 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2007 G
The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual The United States Army and Marine Corps ISBN-13: 9780226841519 (paper) University of Chicago Press, 2007 G
Holding the Line: U.S. Defense Alternatives for the 21st Century Cindy Williams, editor ISBN-10: 0262731401 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262731409 (paper) MIT Press, 2001 S
Absence of Grand Strategy: The United States in the Persian Gulf, 1972-2005 Steve A. Yetiv  ISBN-13: 9780801887819 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801887826 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008 S Return to Top