New Orleans GuidesFrench Quarter Manual: An Architectural Guide Malcolm Heard ISBN-10: 0878059881 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878059898 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1997 G
Canoeing Louisiana Ernest Herndon  ISBN-10: 1578064260 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578064250 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578064267 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
Louisiana Dayride: Fifty-two Short Trips from New Orleans Shelley N. C. Holl ISBN-10: 0878058222 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878058228 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1995 G
New Orleans Memories: One Writer's City Carolyn Kolb ISBN-13: 9781617038839 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2013
The Booklover's Guide to New Orleans, Updated Edition Susan Larson ISBN-13: 9780807153079 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2013 G
Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas Rebecca Solnit, Rebecca Snedeker ISBN-13: 9780520274037 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520274044 (paper) University of California Press, 2013
New Orleans: The Underground Guide, Third Edition Michael Patrick Welch, Brian Boyles; photographs by Zack Smith, Jonathan Traviesa ISBN-13: 9780807156063 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2014
Return to Top HistoryLook and Leave: Photographs and Stories from New Orleans's Lower Ninth Ward Jane Fulton Alt ISBN-13: 9781930066908 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781930066915 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 2009 G
Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans James B. Bennett ISBN-10: 0691121486 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780691121482 (cloth) Princeton University Press, 2005 S
The Color of Loss: An Intimate Portrait of New Orleans after Katrina Dan Burkholder, photographs, foreword by Andrei Codrescu ISBN-13: 9780292717138 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2008 G
Bourbon Street: A History Richard Campanella ISBN-13: 9780807155059 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2014
New Orleans As It Was: Episodes of Louisiana Life Henry C. Castellanos ISBN-10: 0807132098 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807132098 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2006 G
Deep'n As It Come: The 1927 Mississippi River Flood Pete Daniel  ISBN-10: 1557284016 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781557284013 (paper) University of Arkansas Press, 1996 G
Building the Devil's Empire: French Colonial New Orleans Shannon Lee Dawdy ISBN-10: 0226138410 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226138411 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226138428 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226138435 University of Chicago Press, 2008 S
New Orleans Cabildo: Colonial Louisiana's First City Government, 1769—1803 Gilbert C. Din, John E. Harkins ISBN-10: 0807120421 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807120422 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 1996 G
The Night the War Was Lost Charles L. Dufour ISBN-10: 0803265999 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780803265998 (paper) University of Nebraska Press, 1994 G
Madame Vieux Carré: The French Quarter in the Twentieth Century Scott S. Ellis ISBN-13: 9781604733587 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2009 G
Race and Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972 Adam Fairclough ISBN-10: 0820331147 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780820331140 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 2008 S
Missionary Bishop: Jean-Marie Odin in Galveston and New Orleans Patrick Foley ISBN-13: 9781603448246 (cloth) Texas A&M University Press, 2013
New Orleans after the Promises: Poverty, Citizenship, and the Search for the Great Society Kent Germany ISBN-10: 0820329002 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780820325439 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820329000 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 2007 S
Mayor Victor H. Schiro: New Orleans in Transition, 1961-1970 Edward F. Haas ISBN-13: 9781628460179 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2014
The Capture of New Orleans, 1862 Chester G. Hearn ISBN-10: 0807130702 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807130704 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2005 G
When the Devil Came Down to Dixie: Ben Butler in New Orleans Chester G. Hearn ISBN-10: 0807126233 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807126233 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2000 G
Hurricane Camille: Monster Storm of the Gulf Coast Philip D. Hearn  ISBN-10: 1578066557 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578066551 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2004 G
Uncivil War: Five New Orleans Street Battles and the Rise and Fall of Radical Reconstruction James K. Hogue ISBN-10: 0807131474 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807131473 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807143612 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2006 G
My Passage at the New Orleans Tribune: A Memoir of the Civil War Era Jean-Charles Houzeau, edited by David C. Rankin, translated by Gerard F. Denault ISBN-10: 0807126896 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807126899 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2001 G
Category 5: The Story of Camille, America’s Most Violent Hurricane Judith A. Howard, Ernest Zebrowski ISBN-10: 0472115251 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472115259 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472032402 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2005 G
Mammon and Manon in Early New Orleans: The First Slave Society in the Deep South, 1718-1819 Thomas N. Ingersoll ISBN-10: 1572330236 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1572330244 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781572330238 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781572330245 (paper) University of Tennessee Press, 1999
Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta Glen Jeansonne ISBN-10: 1578069173 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578069170 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2006 G
Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15, with an Atlas, Expanded Edition Arsene LaCarriere Latour ISBN-10: 0813016754 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813016757 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813033358 (paper) University Press of Florida, 1999 G
The Great Southern Babylon: Sex, Race, and Respectability in New Orleans, 1865-1920 Alecia P. Long ISBN-10: 0807131121 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807131121 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2004 G
A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau Carolyn Morrow Long ISBN-10: 0813029740 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813029740 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813032146 (paper) University Press of Florida, 2006 G
Time’s Tapestry: Four Generations of a New Orleans Family Leta Weiss Marks ISBN-10: 080712205X (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807122051 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 1997 G
The Repopulation of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina Kevin F. McCarthy, D. J. Peterson, Narayan Sastry, Michael Pollard ISBN-10: 0833039407 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2006 G
A Season of Night: New Orleans Life after Katrina Ian McNulty ISBN-13: 9781934110911 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2008 G
New Orleans and the Texas Revolution Edward L. Miller ISBN-10: 1585443581 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781585443581 (cloth) Texas A&M University Press, 2004 G
New Orleans After the Civil War: Race, Politics, and a New Birth of Freedom Justin A. Nystrom ISBN-13: 9780801894343 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010
The Generals: Andrew Jackson, Sir Edward Pakenham, and the Road to the Battle of New Orleans Benton Rain Patterson ISBN-10: 0814767176 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814767177 (cloth) New York University Press, 2005 G
Mutiny at Fort Jackson: The Untold Story of the Fall of New Orleans Michael D. Pierson ISBN-13: 9780807832288 (cloth) University of North Carolina Press, 2009 S
The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans Lawrence N. Powell ISBN-13: 9780674059870 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780674725904 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780674065444 Harvard University Press, 2012
The New Orleans of George Washington Cable: The 1887 Census Office Report Lawrence N. Powell, editor ISBN-13: 9780807133194 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2008 G
Dixie Bohemia: A French Quarter Circle in the 1920s John Shelton Reed ISBN-13: 9780807147641 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2012
Storyville, New Orleans: Being an Authentic, Illustrated Account of the Notorious Red Light District Al Rose ISBN-10: 0817344039 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780817344030 (paper) University of Alabama Press, 1974 G
The Great New Orleans Kidnapping Case: Race, Law, and Justice in the Reconstruction Era Michael A. Ross ISBN-13: 9780199778805 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2014
Becoming Free, Remaining Free: Manumission and Enslavement in New Orleans, 1846-1862 Judith Kelleher Schafer ISBN-10: 0807128805 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807128800 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2003
Brothels, Depravity, and Abandoned Women: Illegal Sex in Antebellum New Orleans Judith Kelleher Schafer ISBN-13: 9780807133972 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807133972 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2009
Down in New Orleans: Reflections from a Drowned City Billy Sothern, Photographs by Nikki Page ISBN-13: 9780520251496 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780520933842 University of California Press, 2007
Race, Sex, and Social Order in Early New Orleans Jennifer M. Spear ISBN-13: 9780801886805 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009 S
Katrinaville Chronicles: Images and Observations from a New Orleans Photographer David G. Spielman ISBN-10: 0807132527 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807132524 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2007 G
The Urban South and the Coming of the Civil War Frank Towers ISBN-10: 0813922976 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813922973 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813927879 (paper) University of Virginia Press, 2004
Silk Stockings and Ballot Boxes: Women and Politics in New Orleans, 1920-1963 Pamela Tyler ISBN-13: 9780820334554 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 2009
No More, No More: Slavery and Cultural Resistance in Havana and New Orleans Daniel E. Walker ISBN-10: 0816643261 (cloth) ISBN-10: 081664327X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780816643264 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816643271 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2004 S
Voodoo Queen: The Spirited Lives of Marie Laveau Martha Ward ISBN-10: 1578066298 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578066292 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2004 G
City of Memory: New Orleans, Before and After Katrina John Woodin, With an essay by Craig E. Colten ISBN-13: 9781935195184 (cloth) University of Georgia Press, 2010 G
Return to Top Geography, City Planning, & DevelopmentMarkets of Sorrow, Labors of Faith: New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina Vincanne Adams ISBN-13: 9780822354345 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822354499 (paper) Duke University Press, 2013 G
Driven from New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization John Arena ISBN-13: 9780816677467 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816677474 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2012
City Adrift: New Orleans Before and After Katrina; A Center for Public Integrity Investigation Jenni Bergal, Sara Shipley Hiles, Frank Koughan, John McQuaid, Jim Morris, Katy Reckdahl, and Curtis Wilkie ISBN-13: 9780807132845 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2007 G
Rebuilding Urban Places After Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter, editors ISBN-10: 0812219805 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780812219807 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006 S
City and Environment Christopher G. Boone, Ali Modarres ISBN-10: 1592132839 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1592132847 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781592132836 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592132843 (paper) Temple University Press, 2006 G
An Unnatural Metropolis: Wresting New Orleans from Nature Craig E. Colten  ISBN-10: 0807129771 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807132004 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807129777 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807132005 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2005 G
Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs: Centuries of Change Craig E. Colten, editor  ISBN-10: 082295740X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780822957409 (paper) University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001 S
Tremé: Race and Place in a New Orleans Neighborhood Michael E. Crutcher Jr. ISBN-13: 9780820335940 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820335957 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780820337609 University of Georgia Press, 2010
The Trouble with City Planning: What New Orleans Can Teach Us Kristina Ford ISBN-13: 9780300127355 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300177428 (paper) Yale University Press, 2010
Over New Orleans: Aerial Photographs David King Gleason ISBN-10: 0807112887 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807112885 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 1985 G
Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans Kevin Fox Gotham, Miriam Greenberg ISBN-13: 9780199752225 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199752218 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2014
The Neoliberal Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, Late Capitalism, and the Remaking of New Orleans Cedric Johnson, editor ISBN-13: 9780816673247 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780816673254 (paper) University of Minnesota Press, 2011
A River and Its City: The Nature of Landscape in New Orleans Ari Kelman  ISBN-10: 0520234324 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520234321 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520234338 (paper) University of California Press, 2003 G
Charting Louisiana: Five Hundred Years of Maps Alfred E. Lemmon, John T. Magill, and Jason R. Wiese, editors ISBN-10: 0917860470 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780917860478 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, distributed for The Historic New Orleans Collection, 2003 G
New Orleans: The Making of an Urban Landscape Peirce F. Lewis  ISBN-10: 1930066090 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1930066104 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781930066601 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781930066106 (paper) University of Virginia Press, 2003 G
An Economic Development Architecture for New Orleans Kevin F. McCarthy ISBN-13: 9780833043245 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2008
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 2: Geography Richard Pillsbury, editor ISBN-10: 0807830135 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807856819 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807830130 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807856819 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2006 G
Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department Bernard D. Rostker, William M. Hix, Jeremy M. Wilson, editors ISBN-13: 9780833041425 (paper) RAND Corporation, 2007
Civic Wars: Democracy and Public Life in the American City during the Nineteenth Century Mary P. Ryan ISBN-10: 0520216601 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520216600 (paper) University of California Press, 1997 G
Coming Home to New Orleans: Neighborhood Rebuilding After Katrina Karl F. Seidman ISBN-13: 9780199945511 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2013
What Is a City?: Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina Phil Steinberg, Rob Shields ISBN-10: 0820329649 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0820330949 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780820329642 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820330945 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 2008 S
Acts of God: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America Ted Steinberg ISBN-10: 0195309685 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195309683 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2006
Saving Louisiana?: The Battle for Coastal Wetlands Bill J. Streever  ISBN-10: 1578063485 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578063291 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578063482 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2001 G
Return to Top Economy of New OrleansUneasy Alchemy: Citizens and Experts in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor Disputes Barbara L. Allen ISBN-10: 0262511347 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262511346 (paper) MIT Press, 2003
Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class, and Politics, 1863-1923 Eric Arnesen ISBN-10: 0252063775 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252063770 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 1994 S
Jobs Aren't Enough: Toward a New Economic Mobility for Low-Income Families Roberta Rehner Iversen, Annie Laurie Armstrong ISBN-10: 159213355X (cloth) ISBN-10: 1592133568 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781592133550 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592133567 (paper) Temple University Press, 2006 G
Ending Poverty as We Know It: Guaranteeing a Right to a Job at a Living Wage William P. Quigley ISBN-10: 1592130321 (cloth) ISBN-10: 159213033X (paper) ISBN-13: 9781592130320 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592130337 (paper) Temple University Press, 2003 G
New Orleans on Parade: Tourism and the Transformation of the Crescent City J. Mark Souther ISBN-10: 0807131938 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807131930 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2006 G
Creating the Big Easy: New Orleans and the Emergence of Modern Tourism, 1918-1945 Anthony J. Stanonis  ISBN-10: 0820328170 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0820328227 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780820328171 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820328225 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780820341583 University of Georgia Press, 2006 S
Return to Top Race, Ethnicity, & Religion in New OrleansBlack, White, and Catholic: New Orleans Interracialism, 1947-1956 R. Bentley Anderson  ISBN-10: 0826514839 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826514837 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826514844 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2005 G
Picturing Black New Orleans: A Creole Photographer's View of the Early Twentieth Century Arthé A. Anthony ISBN-13: 9780813041872 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2012
A Troubled Dream: The Promise and Failure of School Desegregation in Louisiana Carl L. Bankston III, Stephen J. Caldas  ISBN-10: 0826513883 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0826513891 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780826513885 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826513892 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2002 G
The Cajuns: Americanization of a People Shane K. Bernard ISBN-10: 1578065224 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1578065232 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578065226 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065233 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
Black New Orleans, 1860-1880 John W. Blassingame ISBN-10: 0226057089 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780226057071 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226057088 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226057095 University of Chicago Press, 1973, reprinted 2006 S
Acadian to Cajun: Transformation of a People, 1803-1877 Carl A. Brasseaux ISBN-10: 0878055835 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878055838 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1992 G
Creoles of Color in the Bayou Country Carl A. Brasseaux, Claude F. Oubre, and Keith P. Fontenot; foreword by Clifton Carmon ISBN-10: 0878059490 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878057146 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878059492 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1995 G
The Rise of David Duke Tyler Bridges ISBN-10: 087805684X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878056842 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1994 G
African-American Mayors: Race, Politics, and the American City David R. Colburn, Jeffrey S. Adler, editors ISBN-10: 025207260X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252072604 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2005 G
From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans: Migration and Influences Nathalie Dessens ISBN-10: 0813030374 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813030371 (cloth) University Press of Florida, 2007 S
The Provincials: A Personal History of Jews in the South Eli N. Evans ISBN-10: 0807829587 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807856231 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807829585 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807856239 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2005 G
Lords of Misrule: Mardi Gras and the Politics of Race in New Orleans James Gill ISBN-10: 0878059164 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878059164 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1997 G
Carnival of Fury: Robert Charles and the New Orleans Race Riot of 1900 William Ivy Hair ISBN-13: 9780807133347 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 1986 S
Creole New Orleans: Race and Americanization Arnold R. Hirsch, Joseph Logsdon, editors ISBN-10: 0807117749 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807117743 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 1992 G
An Absolute Massacre: The New Orleans Race Riot of July 30, 1866 James G. Hollandsworth, Jr. ISBN-13: 9780807130292 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2004 G
Crossing Border Street: A Civil Rights Memoir Peter Jan Honigsberg ISBN-10: 0520234596 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520234598 (paper) University of California Press, 2000 G
The Spiritual Churches of New Orleans: Origins, Beliefs, and Rituals of an African-American Religion Claude F. Jacobs, Andrew J. Kaslow ISBN-10: 1572331488 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781572331488 (paper) University of Tennessee Press, 2001
Travels with Mae: Scenes from a New Orleans Girlhood Eileen M. Julien ISBN-13: 9780253353160 (cloth) Indiana University Press, 2009 G
Spectacular Wickedness: Sex, Race, and Memory in Storyville, New Orleans Emily Epstein Landau ISBN-13: 9780807150146 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2013
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics; Revised and Expanded Edition George Lipsitz  ISBN-10: 1592134939 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1592134947 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781592134939 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592134946 (paper) Temple University Press, 2006 G
Black Rage in New Orleans: Police Brutality and African American Activism from World War II to Hurricane Katrina Leonard N. Moore ISBN-13: 9780807135907 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2010
Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke's Louisiana Lawrence N. Powell ISBN-10: 0807825042 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0807853747 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807825044 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807853740 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2000 S
Exiles at Home: The Struggle to Become American in Creole New Orleans Shirley Elizabeth Thompson ISBN-13: 9780674023512 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2009 S
The "Baby Dolls": Breaking the Race and Gender Barriers of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Tradition Kim Marie Vaz ISBN-13: 9780807150702 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2013
Return to Top Arts & Culture General Literary New Orleans New Orleans Music Food and Cooking Visual Arts Architecture and Gardens Arts & Culture: GeneralBlues for New Orleans: Mardi Gras and America's Creole Soul Roger D. Abrahams, with Nick Spitzer, John F. Szwed, and Robert Farris Thompson ISBN-10: 0812239598 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812239591 (cloth) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006 G
Cajun Country Barry Jean Ancelet, Jay Edwards, and Glen Pitre ISBN-10: 0878054677 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878054671 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1991 G
Mardi Gras, Gumbo, and Zydeco: Readings in Louisiana Culture Marcia Gaudet, James C. McDonald, editors ISBN-10: 1578065291 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1578065305 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578065295 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065301 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
Cajun Mardi Gras Masks Carl Lindahl, Carolyn Ware ISBN-10: 0878059687 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878059683 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878059690 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1997 G
New Orleans: A Cultural History Louise McKinney ISBN-10: 0195301366 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195301366 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2006 G
Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance Joseph Roach ISBN-10: 0231104618 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780231104609 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780231104616 (paper) Columbia University Press, 1996 S
Delirious New Orleans: Manifesto for an Extraordinary American City Stephen Verderber ISBN-13: 9780292717534 (cloth) University of Texas Press, 2009 G
Cajun Women and Mardi Gras: Reading the Rules Backward Carolyn E. Ware ISBN-10: 0252031385 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0252073770 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252031380 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252073779 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2007 G
Arts & Culture: Literary New OrleansCajun and Creole Folktales Barry Jean Ancelet, Elemore Morgan, Jr., photographs ISBN-10: 0878057099 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878057092 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1994 G
Louisiana: A Novel Erna Brodber ISBN-10: 1578060311 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578060313 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1997 G
The Myth of New Orleans in Literature: Dialogues of Race and Gender Violet Harrington Bryan ISBN-10: 0870497898 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780870497896 (cloth) University of Tennessee Press, 1993
The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life George Washington Cable ISBN-10: 0820310204 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780820310206 (paper) University of Georgia Press, 1880, reprinted 1988 G
Dream State Moira Crone ISBN-10: 1578060974 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578060979 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1995 G
Ghost Stories of Old New Orleans Jeanne deLavigne, illustrated by Charles Richards ISBN-13: 9780807152911 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2013
New Orleans Sketches William Faulkner, edited by Carvel Collins ISBN-10: 1578064716 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578064717 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2002 G
Louisiana Voyages: The Travel Writings of Catharine Cole Martha R. Field, edited by Joan B. McLaughlin and Jack McLaughlin ISBN-10: 1578068258 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1578068266 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578068258 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578068265 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2006 G
Walker Percy Remembered: A Portrait in the Words of Those Who Knew Him David Horace Harwell ISBN-10: 0807830399 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807830390 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807871539 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2006 G
Chita: A Memory of Last Island Lafcadio Hearn, edited by Delia LaBarre ISBN-10: 1578065585 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065585 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
Lafcadio Hearn’s America: Ethnographic Sketches and Editorials Lafcadio Hearn, Edited by Simon J. Bronner ISBN-10: 0813122295 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813122298 (cloth) University Press of Kentucky, 2002 G
To Find My Own Peace: Grace King in Her Journals, 1886-1910 Melissa Walker Heidari, editor ISBN-10: 0820325651 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780820325651 (cloth) University of Georgia Press, 2004 G
Tennessee Williams and the South Kenneth Holditch, Richard Freeman Leavitt ISBN-10: 1578064104 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578064106 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781604734652 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2002 G
Literary New Orleans in the Modern World Richard S. Kennedy, editor ISBN-10: 0807131598 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807131596 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 1998 G
Literary New Orleans: Essays and Meditations Richard S. Kennedy, editor ISBN-10: 0807122734 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807122730 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 1992 G
Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana Carl Lindahl, Maida Owens, and C. Renée Harvison ISBN-10: 087805930X (cloth) ISBN-10: 0878059318 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878059300 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878059317 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1997 G
Race and Culture in New Orleans Stories: Kate Chopin, Grace King, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and George Washington Cable James Nagel ISBN-13: 9780817313388 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780817387174 University of Alabama Press, 2013
Ignatius Rising: The Life of John Kennedy Toole René Pol Nevils, Deborah George Hardy ISBN-10: 0807130591 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807130599 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2005 G
Christmas Stories from Louisiana Dorothy Dodge Robbins, Kenneth Robbins, editors; illustrated by Francis X. Pavy ISBN-10: 1578065887 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065882 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
The Fortune-Teller Victor Séjour, Norman R. Shapiro, translator, ISBN-13: 9780252074066 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2002 S
The Jew of Seville Victor Séjour, Norman R. Shapiro, translator ISBN-13: 9780252074073 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2002 S
Creole Echoes: The Francophone Poetry of Nineteenth-Century Louisiana Norman R. Shapiro, editor and translator ISBN-10: 0252028767 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0252071492 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252028762 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252071492 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2004 S
Inventing New Orleans: Writings of Lafcadio Hearn S. Frederick Starr, editor ISBN-10: 1578063523 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1578063531 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578063529 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578063536 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2001 G
A Confederacy of Dunces: 20th Anniversary Edition John Kennedy Toole ISBN-10: 0807126063 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807126066 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2000 G
Bohemian New Orleans: The Story of the Outsider and Loujon Press Jeff Weddle ISBN-10: 1578069742 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578069743 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2007 G
Glass House: A Novel Christine Wiltz ISBN-10: 0807126837 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807126837 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2001 G
Arts & Culture: New Orleans MusicCajun and Creole Music Makers: Musiciens cadiens et créoles Barry Jean Ancelet, Elemore Morgan, Jr. ISBN-10: 1578061709 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578061709 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1999 G
Louis Armstrong, In His Own Words: Selected Writings Louis Armstrong, Edited by Thomas Brothers ISBN-10: 019514046X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195140460 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2001 G
Concert Life in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans: A Comprehensive Reference John H. Baron ISBN-13: 9780807150825 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2013
Swamp Pop: Cajun and Creole Rhythm and Blues Shane K. Bernard ISBN-10: 0878058753 (with CD) (cloth) ISBN-10: 0878058761 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878058754 (with CD) (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878058761 (paper) CD: 9780878058969 University Press of Mississippi, 1996 G
Keeping the Beat on the Street: The New Orleans Brass Band Renaissance Mick Burns ISBN-10: 0807130486 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807130483 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807133330 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2006 G
A Trumpet around the Corner: The Story of New Orleans Jazz Samuel Charters ISBN-13: 9781578068982 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2008 G
Notes of a Pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Edited by Jeanne Behrend ISBN-10: 0691127166 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780691127163 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2005 G
Pioneers of Jazz: The Story of the Creole Band Lawrence Gushee ISBN-13: 9780199732333 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2010
Subversive Sounds: Race and the Birth of Jazz in New Orleans Charles Hersch ISBN-10: 0226328678 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226328676 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226328683 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226328690 University of Chicago Press, 2007 G
Creating Jazz Counterpoint: New Orleans, Barbershop Harmony, and the Blues Vic Hobson ISBN-13: 9781617039911 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2014
Traditional New Orleans Jazz: Conversations with the Men Who Make the Music Thomas W. Jacobsen ISBN-13: 9780807137796 (paper) Louisiana State University Press, 2011
Jazz on the River William Howland Kenney ISBN-10: 0226437337 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226437330 (cloth) University of Chicago Press, 2005 G
Mister Jelly Roll: The Fortunes of Jelly Roll Morton, New Orleans Creole and "Inventor of Jazz" Alan Lomax ISBN-10: 0520225309 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520225305 (paper) University of California Press, 2001 G
Bounce: Rap Music and Local Identity in New Orleans Matt Miller ISBN-13: 9781558499355 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781558499362 (paper) University of Massachusetts Press, 2012
Zydeco! Rick Olivier, photographs, Ben Sandmel, text ISBN-10: 1578061164 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578061150 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578061167 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1999 G
New Orleans Style and the Writing of American Jazz History Bruce Boyd Raeburn ISBN-13: 9780472116751 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472033218 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2009
Roll With It: Brass Bands in the Streets of New Orleans Matt Sakakeeny ISBN-13: 9780822355526 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822355670 (paper) Duke University Press, 2013
The Jazz Scene: An Informal History from New Orleans to 1990 W. Royal Stokes ISBN-10: 0195082702 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780195082708 (paper) Oxford University Press, 1993 G
New Atlantis: Musicians Battle for the Survival of New Orleans John Swenson ISBN-13: 9780199754526 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199931712 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2011
Jazz Religion, the Second Line, and Black New Orleans Richard Brent Turner ISBN-13: 9780253221209 (paper) Indiana University Press, 2009
New Orleans Suite: Music and Culture in Transition Lewis Watts, Eric Porter ISBN-13: 9780520273870 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520273887 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520955325 University of California Press, 2013
Jazz on the Road: Don Albert's Musical Life Christopher Wilkinson ISBN-10: 0520229835 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520229839 (paper) University of California Press, 2001 G
Arts & Culture: Food and CookingSecrets of a New Orleans Chef: Recipes from Tom Cowman’s Cookbook Greg Cowman, foreword by Gene Bourg ISBN-10: 1578061792 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578061792 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 1999 G
New Orleans con Sabor Latino: The History and Passion of Latino Cooking Zella Palmer Cuadra, Photographs by Natalie Root ISBN-13: 9781617038952 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2013
Matzoh Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the Jewish South Marcie Cohen Ferris ISBN-10: 0807829781 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807829783 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807871232 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2005 G
Cajun Foodways C. Paige Gutierrez, foreword by Barry Jean Ancelet ISBN-10: 0878055630 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878055623 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878055630 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2004 G
You Are Where You Eat: Stories and Recipes from the Neighborhoods of New Orleans Elsa Hahne ISBN-13: 9781578069415 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2009 G
Louisiana Cookery Mary Land, Illustrated by Morris Henry Hobbs ISBN-10: 157806757X (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578067572 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2005 G
The Crab Lover’s Book: Recipes & More Mary Ethelyn Orso ISBN-10: 087805796X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878058013 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878057962 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1995 G
The Crawfish Book Glen Pitre ISBN-10: 0878055991 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878055999 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2005 G
New Orleans Cuisine: Fourteen Signature Dishes and Their Histories Susan Tucker, editor, Introduction by S. Frederick Starr ISBN-13: 9781604731279 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2009 G
Arts & Culture: Visual ArtsFortune's Favorite Child: The Uneasy Life of Walter Anderson Christopher Maurer  ISBN-10: 1578065399 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065394 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
Clarence John Laughlin: Prophet without Honor A. J. Meek, foreword by John H. Lawrence ISBN-10: 1578069092 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578069095 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2007 G
Printmaking in New Orleans Jessie J. Poesch, editor ISBN-10: 1578067685 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578067688 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2006 G
Arts & Culture: Architecture and GardensPublic Spaces, Private Gardens: A History of Designed Landscapes in New Orleans Lake Douglas ISBN-13: 9780807138373 (cloth) Louisiana State University Press, 2011
The French Quarter of New Orleans Jim Fraiser  ISBN-10: 1578065240 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578065240 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 2003 G
The Garden District of New Orleans Jim Fraiser, West Freeman ISBN-13: 9781934110683 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781617032783 University Press of Mississippi, 2012
Lost Plantation: The Rise and Fall of Seven Oaks Marc R. Matrana ISBN-10: 1578069009 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578069002 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 2005 G
The New Orleans Garden: Gardening in the Gulf South Charlotte Seidenberg ISBN-10: 0878056378 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878056378 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1993 G Return to Top