History of Contraception and AbortionReproductive Restraints: Birth Control in India, 1877-1947 Sanjam Ahluwalia ISBN-10: 0252032403 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0252074807 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252032400 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252074806 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2008 S
Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America Janet Farrell Brodie ISBN-10: 0801484332 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780801484339 (paper) Cornell University Press, 1997
Who Chooses?: American Reproductive History since 1830 Simone M. Caron ISBN-13: 9780813031996 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813035048 (paper) University Press of Florida, 2008
Evolution and Human Behavior John Cartwright ISBN-10: 0262531704 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262032810 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262531702 (paper) MIT Press, 2000 S
When Sex Changed: Birth Control Politics and Literature between the World Wars Layne Parish Craig ISBN-13: 9780813562117 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813562100 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813562124 Rutgers University Press, 2013
Facing Eugenics: Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice Erika Dyck ISBN-13: 9781442644168 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781442612556 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781442699342 University of Toronto Press, 2013
By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control, and the Abortion Campaign Ann Farmer ISBN-13: 9780813215303 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780813218496 Catholic University of America Press, 2008 G
Behind Every Choice Is a Story Gloria Feldt, with Carol Trickett Jennings; foreword by Kathleen Turner ISBN-10: 1574411586 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781574411584 (cloth) University of North Texas Press, 2002 G
Birth Control, Sex, and Marriage in Britain 1918-1960 Kate Fisher ISBN-13: 9780199267361 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2006
Birth Control on Main Street: Organizing Clinics in the United States, 1916-1939 Cathy Moran Hajo ISBN-13: 9780252035364 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252077258 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2010
The Empty Cradle of Democracy: Sex, Abortion, and Nationalism in Modern Greece Alexandra Halkias ISBN-10: 0822333112 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0822333236 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780822333111 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822333234 (paper) Duke University Press, 2004 S
The Birth Control Clinic in a Marketplace World Rose Holz ISBN-13: 9781580463997 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781580464895 (paper) University of Rochester Press, 2012
Experience With Abortion: A Case Study of North-East Scotland Gordon Horobin ISBN-13: 9780521112772 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2009
The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger, Vol. 3: The Politics of Planned Parenthood, 1939-1966 Esther Katz, editor ISBN-13: 9780252033728 (cloth) University of Illinois Press, 2010
The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger; Vol. 1: The Woman Rebel, 1900-1928 Esther Katz, editor ISBN-13: 9780252074608 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2002 G/S
The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger; Vol. 2: Birth Control Comes of Age, 1928-1939 Esther Katz, editor ISBN-10: 0252031377 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252031373 (cloth) University of Illinois Press, 2007 G/S
Abortion, Doctors and the Law: Some Aspects of the Legal Regulation of Abortion in England from 1803 to 1982 John Keown ISBN-10: 0521894131 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521894135 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002 S
Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in America, 1760-1820 Susan E. Klepp ISBN-13: 9780807833223 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780807859926 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2009
Matters of Choice: Puerto Rican Women's Struggle for Reproductive Freedom Iris Lopez ISBN-13: 9780813543727 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813543734 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813546247 Rutgers University Press, 2008
Sexual Chemistry: A History of the Contraceptive Pill Lara V. Marks ISBN-10: 0300089430 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300089431 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300167917 (paper) Yale University Press, 2001 S
Seizing the Means of Reproduction: Entanglements of Feminism, Health, and Technoscience Michelle Murphy ISBN-13: 9780822353317 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822353362 (paper) Duke University Press, 2012
The Morning After: A History of Emergency Contraception in the United States Heather Munro Prescott ISBN-13: 9780813551623 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813551630 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813552170 Rutgers University Press, 2011
The Abortionist: A Woman against the Law Rickie Solinger ISBN-10: 0520204026 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520204027 (paper) University of California Press, 1996 G
The Notorious Dr. Flippin: Abortion and Consequence in the Early Twentieth Century Jamie Q. Tallman ISBN-13: 9780896726758 (cloth) Texas Tech University Press, 2011 G
Abortion in the American Imagination: Before Life and Choice, 1880-1940 Karen Weingarten ISBN-13: 9780813565309 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813565293 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813565392 Rutgers University Press, 2014
Return to Top The Debate about Birth Control & Abortion Politics and Rhetoric Ethical and Religious Views The Debate about Birth Control & Abortion: Politics and RhetoricAbortion: Three Perspectives Michael Tooley , Celia Wolf-Devine, Philip E. Devine and Alison M. Jaggar ISBN-13: 9780195380279 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780195308952 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2008 G
Abortion Politics in Congress: Strategic Incrementalism and Policy Change Scott H. Ainsworth, Thad E. Hall ISBN-13: 9780521515818 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521740043 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2010
What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most Controversial Decision Jack Balkin, editor ISBN-13: 9780814799185 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814799864 (paper) New York University Press, 2007 G
The Moral Veto: Framing Contraception, Abortion, and Cultural Pluralism in the United States Gene Burns ISBN-10: 0521552095 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0521609844) (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521552097 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521609845 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2005 G
Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of Choice Clare Chambers ISBN-13: 9780271033013 (cloth) Penn State University Press, 2008 S
Decoding Abortion Rhetoric: Communicating Social Change Celeste Michelle Condit ISBN-10: 0252064038 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252064036 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 1990
Incorrigible Velma Demerson ISBN-13: 9780889204447 (paper) Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2004 G
Opposition and Intimidation: The Abortion Wars and Strategies of Political Harassment Alesha E. Doan ISBN-13: 9780472099757 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780472069750 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2007
The Sterilization Movement and Global Fertility in the Twentieth Century Ian R. Dowbiggin ISBN-13: 9780195188585 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2008
Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States Myra Marx Ferree, William Anthony Gamson, Jürgen Gerhards, Dieter Rucht ISBN-10: 052179045X (cloth) ISBN-10: 052179384X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521790451 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521793841 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002 S
Our Bodies, Our Crimes: The Policing of Women’s Reproduction in America Jeanne Flavin ISBN-13: 9780814727546 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814727911 (paper) New York University Press, 2008 S
Contested Lives: The Abortion Debate in an American Community, updated edition with a new introduction Faye D. Ginsburg ISBN-13: 9780520217355 (paper) University of California Press, 1998 G
The Moral Property of Women: A History of Birth Control Politics in America Linda Gordon ISBN-13: 9780252074592 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2007 G
Doctors and Demonstrators: How Political Institutions Shape Abortion Law in the United States, Britain, and Canada Drew Halfmann ISBN-13: 9780226313429 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226313436 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226313443 University of Chicago Press, 2011
Moral Panics, Sex Panics: Fear and the Fight over Sexual Rights Gilbert Herdt, editor ISBN-13: 9780814737224 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814737231 (paper) New York University Press, 2009 G
Women's Rights? The Politics of Eugenic Abortion in Modern Japan Masae Kato ISBN-13: 9789053567937 (paper) University of Chicago Press, distributed for Amsterdam University Press, 2009 S
Fit to Be Tied: Sterilization and Reproductive Rights in America, 1950-1980 Rebecca M. Kluchin ISBN-13: 9780813545271 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813549996 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813548319 Rutgers University Press, 2009
Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film Heather Latimer ISBN-13: 9780773541573 (paper) McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013
Body Talk: Rhetoric, Technology, Reproduction Mary M. Lay, Laura J. Gurak, Clare Gravon, and Cynthia Myntti, editors ISBN-10: 0299167909 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0299167941 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780299167905 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780299167943 (paper) University of Wisconsin Press, 2000 S
Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood Kristin Luker ISBN-13: 9780520055971 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520907928 University of California Press, 1985 S
Surrogates and Other Mothers: The Debates over Assisted Reproduction Ruth Macklin ISBN-10: 1566391806 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566391801 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781439904466 Temple University Press, 1994 S
The Politics of Virtue: Is Abortion Debatable? Elizabeth Mensch, Alan Freeman ISBN-13: 9780822313311 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822313496 (paper) Duke University Press, 1993 S
Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement Jennifer Nelson ISBN-13: 9780814758212 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814758274 (paper) New York University Press, 2003 G
Broadcasting Birth Control: Mass Media and Family Planning Manon Parry ISBN-13: 9780813561523 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813561516 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813561530 Rutgers University Press, 2013
Fertile Ground: Exploring Reproduction in Canada Stephanie Paterson, Francesca Scala,Marlene K. Sokolon, editors ISBN-13: 9780773543690 (paper) McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014
Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America Deana A. Rohlinger ISBN-13: 9781107069237 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, November 2014
Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War, with a New Preface William Saletan ISBN-10: 0520243366 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520243361 (paper) University of California Press, 2004 G
Rhetorical Bodies Jack Selzer, Sharon Crowley ISBN-10: 0299164705 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0299164748 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780299164706 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780299164744 (paper) University of Wisconsin Press, 1999 S
No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care Susan Sherwin ISBN-10: 1566390613 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566390613 (paper) Temple University Press, 1992 S
Girls on the Stand: How Courts Fail Pregnant Minors Helena Silverstein ISBN-13: 9780814740316 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780295987910 (paper) New York University Press, 2009
Pregnancy and Power: A Short History of Reproductive Politics in America Rickie Solinger ISBN-13: 9780814798270 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814798287 (paper) New York University Press, 2005 G
Abortion Wars: A Half Century of Struggle, 1950-2000 Rickie Solinger, editor ISBN-10: 0520209524 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520209527 (paper) University of California Press, 1998 G
Abortion Wars: A Half Century of Struggle, 1950–2000 Rickie Solinger, editor ISBN-13: 9780520209527 (paper) University of California Press, 1998
Shameless: Sexual Dissidence in American Culture Arlene Stein ISBN-13: 9780814740279 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814740286 (paper) New York University Press, 2006
Politics of the Womb: Women, Reproduction, and the State in Kenya Lynn M. Thomas ISBN-10: 0520235401 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520235403 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520936645 University of California Press, 2003 S
Legitimate Differences: Interpretation in the Abortion Controversy and Other Public Debates Georgia Warnke ISBN-10: 0520216334 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520216334 (cloth) University of California Press, 1999 S
The Politics of Women's Rights: Parties, Positions, and Change Christina Wolbrecht ISBN-13: 9780691130453 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400831241 Princeton University Press, 2000
The Political Geographies of Pregnancy Laura R. Woliver ISBN-10: 0252027787 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780252027789 (cloth) University of Illinois Press, 2002 G
The Debate about Birth Control & Abortion: Ethical and Religious ViewsBaby Steps: How Lesbian Alternative Insemination Is Changing the World Amy Agigian ISBN-10: 0819566292 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0819566306 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780819566294 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780819566300 (paper) Wesleyan University Press, 2004 S
Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life Fabrizio Amerini ISBN-13: 9780674072473 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2013 S
Procreation and Parenthood: The Ethics of Bearing and Rearing Children David Archard, David Benatar, editors ISBN-13: 9780199590704 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2010
Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice Francis J. Beckwith ISBN-13: 9780521691352 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2007 G
A Defense of Abortion David Boonin  ISBN-10: 0521520355 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521520355 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002 G
Theological Bioethics: Participation, Justice, and Change Lisa Sowle Cahill ISBN-10: 1589010752 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781589010758 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781589014756 Georgetown University Press, 2005 S
The Abortion Myth: Feminism, Morality, and the Hard Choices Women Make Leslie Cannold ISBN-10: 0819563854 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780819563859 (paper) Wesleyan University Press, 2000 G
Faith and Law: How Religious Traditions from Calvinism to Islam View American Law Robert F. Cochran, Jr., editor ISBN-13: 9780814716724 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814716731 (paper) New York University Press, 2007
Hindu Ethics: Purity, Abortion, and Euthanasia Harold Coward, Julius Lipner, Katherine K. Young, editors ISBN-10: 0887067646 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780887067648 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1988
When Children Want Children: The Urban Crisis of Teenage Childbearing Leon Dash ISBN-10: 0252071239 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780252071232 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2003 G
Sacred Work: Planned Parenthood and Its Clergy Alliances Tom Davis, Foreword by Rev. Carlton W. Veazey ISBN-10: 0813534933 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813534930 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813539508 (paper) Rutgers University Press, 2005 G
Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and Quality of Life David DeGrazia ISBN-13: 9780195389630 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2012
A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion Daniel A. Dombrowski, Robert Deltete ISBN-13: 9780252073977 (paper) University of Illinois Press, 2006 G
Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan Helen Hardacre ISBN-10: 0520216547 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520216549 (paper) University of California Press, 1997 S
Changing Unjust Laws Justly: Pro-Life Solidarity with "the Last and Least" Colin Harte ISBN-13: 9780813214061 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780813216096 Catholic University of America Press, 2005
Sex, Violence, and Justice: Contraception and the Catholic Church Aline H. Kalbian ISBN-13: 9781626161047 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781626160484 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781626160491 Georgetown University Press, 2014
A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation Anja J. Karnein ISBN-13: 9780199782475 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2012
Abortion and Unborn Human Life, Second Edition Patrick Lee ISBN-13: 9780813217307 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813218069 Catholic University of America Press, 2010 G
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice: Shared Values in the Abortion Debate Bertha Alvarez Manninen ISBN-13: 9780826519900 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826519917 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2014
Women, Birth, and Death in Jewish Law and Practice Rochelle Millen ISBN-10: 1584653655 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781584653653 (paper) University Press of New England, 2004 S
Good Catholics: The Battle over Abortion in the Catholic Church Patricia Miller ISBN-13: 9780520276000 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780520958272 University of California Press, 2014
The Making of Pro-life Activists: How Social Movement Mobilization Works Ziad W. Munson ISBN-13: 9780226551197 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226551203 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226551210 University of Chicago Press, 2009
The Worth of a Child Thomas H. Murray ISBN-10: 0520088360 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520088368 (cloth) University of California Press, 1996 S
Making Modern Mothers: Ethics and Family Planning in Urban Greece Heather Paxson ISBN-10: 0520238206 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520238206 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520937130 University of California Press, 2004 S
The Ethics of Procreation and the Defense of Human Life Martin Rhonheimer ISBN-13: 9780813217222 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813218052 Catholic University of America Press, 2010 G
The Dream of the Perfect Child Joan Rothschild  ISBN-13: 9780253345653 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780253217608 (paper) Indiana University Press, 2005 G
Ethics and Economics of Assisted Reproduction: The Cost of Longing Maura A. Ryan ISBN-10: 0878408843 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878408719 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780878408849 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781589018105 Georgetown University Press, 2001 S
Abortion in Judaism Daniel Schiff ISBN-10: 0521521661 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521521666 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002 S
Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later Janet E. Smith ISBN-10: 0813207398 (cloth) ISBN-10: 08132070401 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780813207391 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813207407 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813220918 Catholic University of America Press, 1991 G
Life Before Birth: The Moral and Legal Status of Embryos and Fetuses, Second Edition Bonnie Steinbock ISBN-13: 9780195341621 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2011
Ethics in Reproductive Rights and Perinatal Medicine: A New Framework Carson Strong ISBN-10: 0300068328 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780300068320 (cloth) Yale University Press, 1997 G/S
Catholics and Contraception: An American History Leslie Woodcock Tentler ISBN-10: 0801440033 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801440038 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801474941 (paper) Cornell University Press, 2004 G
God and the Embryo: Religious Voices on Stem Cells and Cloning Brent Waters, Ronald Cole-Turner, editors ISBN-10: 087840998X (paper) ISBN-13: 9780878409983 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781589013308 Georgetown University Press, 2003 S
Return to Top Assisted Reproduction: Fertility, Donation, and AdoptionSex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm Rene Almeling ISBN-13: 9780520270954 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520270961 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520950221 University of California Press, 2011
Adoption by Lesbians and Gay Men: A New Dimension in Family Diversity David M. Brodzinsky, Adam Pertman, editors ISBN-13: 9780195322606 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2011
Planning Parenthood: Strategies for Success in Fertility Assistance, Adoption, and Surrogacy Rebecca A. Clark, M.D., Ph.D., Gloria Richard-Davis, M.D., FACOG, Jill Hayes, Ph.D., Michelle Murphy, J.D., and Katherine Pucheu Theall, Ph.D. ISBN-13: 9780801891113 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801891120 (paper) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009
Blue-Ribbon Babies and Labors of Love: Race, Class, and Gender in U.S. Adoption Practice Christine Ward Gailey ISBN-13: 9780292725706 (paper) University of Texas Press, 2010
Baby Markets: Money and the New Politics of Creating Families Michele Bratcher Goodwin ISBN-13: 9780521513739 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521735100 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2010
Kinship by Design: A History of Adoption in the Modern United States Ellen Herman ISBN-13: 9780226327594 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226327600 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226328072 University of Chicago Press, 2008
Culture Keeping: White Mothers, International Adoption, and the Negotiation of Family Difference Heather Jacobson ISBN-13: 9780826516176 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826516183 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2008
Lost and Found: The Adoption Experience, 3rd Edition Betty Jean Lifton ISBN-13: 9780472033287 (paper) University of Michigan Press, 2009
The Fertility Doctor: John Rock and the Reproductive Revolution Margaret Marsh, Wanda Ronner ISBN-13: 9780801890017 (cloth) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008
Reproductive Donation: Practice, Policy and Bioethics Martin Richards, Guido Pennings, and John B. Appleby, editors ISBN-13: 9781107007772 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521189934 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2012
Belonging in an Adopted World: Race, Identity, and Transnational Adoption Barbara Yngvesson ISBN-13: 9780226964461 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226964478 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226964485 University of Chicago Press, 2010
Return to Top Case Law and Public PolicyWhat Roe v. Wade Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most Controversial Decision Jack M. Balkin, editor ISBN-13: 9780814799185 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814799864 (paper) New York University Press, 2005 G
Reproduction, Globalization, and the State: New Theoretical and Ethnographic Perspectives Carole H. Browner, Carolyn F. Sargent, editors ISBN-13: 9780822349419 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822349600 (paper) Duke University Press, 2011
Family Caps, Abortion and Women of Color: Research Connection and Political Rejection Michael Camasso ISBN-13: 9780195179057 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2007
Regulating Intimacy: A New Legal Paradigm Jean L. Cohen ISBN-13: 9780691048574 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781400825035 Princeton University Press, 2004
Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman, Bernard M. Dickens, editors ISBN-13: 9780812246278 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780812209990 University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014
At Women's Expense: State Power and the Politics of Fetal Rights Cynthia Daniels ISBN-10: 0674050444 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780674050440 (paper) Harvard University Press, 1996 G
Sin No More: From Abortion to Stem Cells, Understanding Crime, Law, and Morality in America John Dombrink, Daniel Hillyard ISBN-13: 9780814719886 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814719893 (paper) New York University Press, 2007
Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning Justin Buckley Dyer ISBN-13: 9781107031944 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781107680746 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781107331167 Cambridge University Press, 2013
Regulating Desire: From the Virtuous Maiden to the Purity Princess J. Shoshanna Ehrlich ISBN-13: 9781438453057 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781438453064 State University of New York Press, November 2014
Abortion and the Law: From International Comparison to Legal Policy Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch; Translated by Emily Silverman ISBN-10: 9067041971 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9789067041973 (cloth) Cambridge University Press, 2005 S
The Human Drama of Abortion: A Global Search for Consensus Anibal Faúndes, José S. Barzelatto ISBN-13: 9780826515254 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826515261 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2006 G
Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues James E. Fleming, Linda C. McClain ISBN-13: 9780674059108 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2013 S
Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade David J. Garrow ISBN-10: 0520213025 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520213029 (paper) University of California Press, 1998 G
Contemporary Cases in Women's Rights Leslie Friedman Goldstein ISBN-10: 029914030X (cloth) ISBN-10: 0299140342 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780299140304 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780229140342 (paper) University of Wisconsin Press, 1979 S
Misconceiving Mothers: Legislators, Prosecutors, and the Politics of Prenatal Drug Exposure Laura E. Gomez ISBN-10: 1566395585 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566395571 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781566395588 (paper) Temple University Press, 1997 S
Sex and the State: Abortion, Divorce, and the Family under Latin American Dictatorships and Democracies Mala Htun ISBN-10: 0521008794 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780521008792 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2003 S
The Abortion Rights Controversy in America: Legal Reader N. E. H. Hull, Williamjames Hoffer, and Peter Charles Hoffer ISBN-10: 0807855359 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807855355 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2004 G
Roe v. Wade: The Abortion Rights Controversy in American History N. E. H. Hull, Peter Charles Hoffer ISBN-13: 9780700611430 (paper) University Press of Kansas, 2001 G/S
Roe v. Wade: The Abortion Rights Controversy in American History, Second Edition N.E.H. Hull, Peter Charles Hoffer ISBN-13: 9780700617531 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780700617548 (paper) University Press of Kansas, 2010
Agenda Setting, the UN, and NGOs: Gender Violence and Reproductive Rights Jutta M. Joachim ISBN-13: 9781589011748 (cloth) Georgetown University Press, 2007 S
Griswold v. Connecticut: Birth Control and the Constitutional Right of Privacy John W. Johnson ISBN-10: 0700613781 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780700613779 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780700613786 (paper) University Press of Kansas, 2005 G/S
The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceausescu's Romania Gail Kligman ISBN-10: 0520210751 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520210752 (paper) University of California Press, 1998
Reproductive Rights in a Global Context: South Africa, Uganda, Peru, Denmark, United States, Vietnam, Jordan Lara M. Knudsen ISBN-13: 9780826515278 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826515285 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2006 G
Abortion Policy: An Evaluation of the Consequences for Maternal and Infant Health Jerome S. Legge, Jr. ISBN-10: 0873959590 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780873959582 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780873959599 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1985
Sex and Consequences: Abortion, Public Policy, and the Economics of Fertility Phillip B. Levine ISBN-13: 9780691130453 (paper) Princeton University Press, 2004
Feminist Legal Theory: A Primer Nancy Levit, Robert Verchick ISBN-13: 9780814751985 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780814751992 (paper) New York University Press, 2006
A Practical Companion to the Constitution: How the Supreme Court Has Ruled on Issues from Abortion to Zoning Jethro K. Lieberman ISBN-10: 0520212800 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520212800 (paper) University of California Press, 1999 G
The Troubled Pregnancy: Legal Wrongs and Rights in Reproduction J. K. Mason ISBN-13: 9780521850759 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521616249 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780511292675 Cambridge University Press, 2007
The Criminalization of Abortion in the West: Its Origins in Medieval Law Wolfgang P. Müller ISBN-13: 9780801450891 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2012
Before Roe: Abortion Policy in the States Rosemary Nossif ISBN-10: 156639810X (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566398091 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781566398107 (paper) Temple University Press, 2000 S
When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States, 1867-1973 Leslie J. Reagan ISBN-10: 0520216571 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780520216570 (paper) University of California Press, 1997 G
Reproductive Health and Human Rights: The Way Forward Laura Reichenbach, Mindy Jane Roseman, editors ISBN-13: 9780812241525 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780812221602 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780812206104 University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009
Fetal Rights, Women's Rights: Gender Equality in the Workplace Suzanne Uttaro Samuels ISBN-10: 0299145441 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780299145446 (paper) University of Wisconsin Press, 1995 G
Choice and Coercion: Birth Control, Sterilization, and Abortion in Public Health and Welfare Johanna Schoen ISBN-10: 0807855855 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780807855850 (paper) University of North Carolina Press, 2005 S
Is the Fetus a Person?: A Comparison of Policies across the Fifty States Jean Reith Schroedel ISBN-10: 0801437075 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780801437076 (cloth) Cornell University Press, 2000 S
Sexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe Marc Stein ISBN-13: 9780807834121 (cloth) University of North Carolina Press, 2010
Applications of Feminist Legal Theory to Women's Lives: Sex, Violence, Work, and Reproduction D. Kelly Weisberg, editor ISBN-10: 1566394244 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781566394246 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781439901366 Temple University Press, 1996 S
Abortion Rates in the United States: The Influence of Opinion and Policy Matthew E. Wetstein ISBN-10: 0791428486 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780791428474 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780791428481 (paper) State University of New York Press, 1996
How Sex Became a Civil Liberty Leigh Ann Wheeler ISBN-13: 9780199754236 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2012
Return to Top Reproductive Health and MedicineBirth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine Amanda Carson Banks ISBN-10: 1578061717 (cloth) ISBN-10: 1578061725 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781578061716 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781578061723 (paper) University Press of Mississippi, 1999 G
DES Daughters: Embodied Knowledge and the Transformation of Women's Health Politics Susan E. Bell ISBN-13: 9781592139187 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592139194 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781592139200 Temple University Press, 2009 S
Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era Melinda Cooper ISBN-13: 9780295987910 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2008 S
Pushing for Midwives: Homebirth Mothers and the Reproductive Rights Movement Christa Craven ISBN-13: 9781439902196 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781439902202 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781439902219 Temple University Press, 2010 S
Assisted Reproductive Technology: Accomplishments and New Horizons Christopher J. De Jonge, Christopher L. R. Barratt, editors ISBN-13: 9780521801218 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780521188951 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2002
A Pleasing Birth: Midwives and Maternity Care in the Netherlands Raymond De Vries ISBN-10: 15692131034 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781592131020 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9781592131037 (paper) Temple University Press, 2005 S
Ourselves Unborn: A History of the Fetus in Modern America Sara Dubow ISBN-13: 9780195323436 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2010
The Vulnerable Empowered Woman: Feminism, Postfeminism, and Women's Health Tasha N. Dubriwny ISBN-13: 9780813554013 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813554006 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813565811 Rutgers University Press, 2012
Contested Reproduction: Genetic Technologies, Religion, and Public Debate John H. Evans ISBN-13: 9780226222653 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9780226222707 University of Chicago Press, 2010 S
Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of Kinship Sarah Franklin ISBN-13: 9780822354857 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822354994 (paper) Duke University Press, 2013
Willing and Unable: Doctors' Constraints in Abortion Care Lori R. Freedman ISBN-13: 9780826517142 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780826517159 (paper) Vanderbilt University Press, 2010 G
Grady Baby: A Year in the Life of Atlanta’s Grady Hospital Jerry Gentry ISBN-13: 9781578061570 (cloth) University Press of Mississippi, 1999 G
Reproductive Justice: The Politics of Health Care for Native American Women Barbara Gurr ISBN-13: 9780813564692 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780813564685 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813564708 Rutgers University Press, December 2014
Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control, and AIDS in Mexico Matthew Gutmann ISBN-13: 9780520252622 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780520253308 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780520941236 University of California Press, 2007
Religion as a Social Determinant of Public Health Ellen L. Idler, editor ISBN-13: 9780199362202 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780199362219 (paper) Oxford University Press, 2014
The Sex Education Debates Nancy Kendall ISBN-13: 9780226922270 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226922287 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226922294 University of Chicago Press, 2012
Bodies of Knowledge: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Women's Health in the Second Wave Wendy Kline ISBN-13: 9780226443058 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780226443089 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780226443072 University of Chicago Press, 2010
In Search of Parenthood: Coping with Infertility and High-Tech Conception Judith N. Lasker, Susan Borg ISBN-10: 1566392594 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566392587 (cloth) ISBN eBook: 9781439905364 Temple University Press, 1994 S
Women and Health in America: Historical Readings, Second Edition Judith Walzer Leavitt, editor ISBN-10: 0299159604 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0299159647 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780299159603 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780299159641 (paper) University of Wisconsin Press, 1999 G
A Woman's Guide to Menopause and Perimenopause Mary Jane Minkin, Carol V. Wright ISBN-10: 0300104359 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300104356 (paper) Yale University Press, 2004 G
A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health Mary Jane Minkin, Carol V. Wright ISBN-10: 0300105940 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780300105940 (paper) Yale University Press, 2004 G
Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives Rogala Mustafa Abusharaf ISBN-10: 0812239245 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780812219418 (paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006 S
The 'Healthy' Embryo: Social, Biomedical, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis, Isabel Karpin, Carolyn McLeod, Roxanne Mykitiuk ISBN-13: 9780521748131 (paper) Cambridge University Press, 2010
The Male Pill: A Biography of a Technology in the Making Nelly Oudshoorn ISBN-13: 9780822331582 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780822331957 (paper) Duke University Press, 2003 G
Dangerous Pregnancies: Mothers, Disabilities, and Abortion in Modern America Leslie J. Reagan ISBN-13: 9780520259034 (cloth) University of California Press, 2010
Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Approach to Craniotomy and Tubal Pregnancies Martin Rhonheimer ISBN-13: 9780813217185 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9780813217772 Catholic University of America Press, 2009
Midwifery and Childbirth in America Judith Pence Rooks ISBN-10: 1566397111 (paper) ISBN-13: 9781566397117 (paper) ISBN eBook: 9781439906231 Temple University Press, 1999 S
Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment Ted Schettler, Gina Solomon, Maria Valenti and Annette Huddle, editors ISBN-10: 0262692473 (paper) ISBN-13: 9780262692472 (paper) MIT Press, 2000 S
Bits of Life: Feminism at the Intersections of Media, Bioscience, and Technology Anneke Smelik, Nina Lykke, editors ISBN-13: 9780295988092 (paper) University of Washington Press, 2008 S
Banking on the Body: The Market in Blood, Milk, and Sperm in Modern America Kara W. Swanson ISBN-13: 9780674281431 (cloth) Harvard University Press, 2014 G
Making Parents: The Ontological Choreography of Reproductive Technologies Charis Thompson ISBN-10: 0262201569 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262201568 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262701198 (paper) MIT Press, 2005 S
Reproduction in Context: Social and Environmental Influences on Reproduction Kim Wallen, Jill E. Schneider, editors ISBN-10: 0262232049 (cloth) ISBN-13: 9780262232043 (cloth) MIT Press, 1999 S
Fertility and Pregnancy: An Epidemiologic Perspective Allen J. Wilcox ISBN-13: 9780195342864 (cloth) Oxford University Press, 2010 Return to Top