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Press Release, 3/05

Israel & Palestine
The Middle East & Islamic States
The U.S. at War Resource Guide


Expert Directory

Daniel L. Byman
Daniel Byman focuses on counterterrorism and Middle East security. He also directs Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies.

Publicist: Melissa McConnell, Publicity Manager
Brookings Institution Press
E-mail: mmcconnell at
Phone: 202-536-3611

The following scholars, writers, and editors are available to members of the media to talk about their work in this area. Following is information about their background, special interests, and preferred manner of contact. Listed email addresses should be copied into an email client, replacing "at" with "@".

Irene L. Gendzier
Irene L. Gendzier is professor of political science at Boston University and author of Notes from the Minefield (Columbia University Press, 2006) and Development Against Democracy: Manipulating Political Change in the Third World.

Email: gendzier at

Zachary Karabell
Zachary Karabell, an independent scholar and writer, is the author of Architects of Intervention: The United States, the Third World, and the Cold War, 1946-1962, A Visionary Nation: Four Centuries of American Dreams and What Lies Ahead, What's College For?: The Struggle to Define American Higher Education, and The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election.

Email: zkarab at
Phone: 212-724-2814

Yitzhak Nakash
Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Brandeis University. His work on Iraq and Shi'i Islam has been widely cited and gained recognition in the United States and Europe as well as in the Arab world and in Iran. He has contributed articles to Foreign Affairs, Newsweek, and the New York Times. He has recently penned op-eds for the LA Times and the San Francisco Chronicle and his talk at the Carnegie Council has been featured on C-Span’s BookTV.
Bibliography: Reaching for Power: The Shi’a in the Modern Arab World, The Shi'is of Iraq
Email: nakash at
Phone: 781-736-2966

Kenneth M. Pollack
Kenneth Pollack is currently Olin Senior Fellow and Director, National Security Studies where he specializes in Middle East political and military affairs, national security and terrorism issues. He has twice served as Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council. From 1988 through 1995 he was a Persian Gulf military analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency where he won numerous accolades for his work on Iraqi military forces before, during, and after the Gulf War. He has also held positions as Senior Research Professor at the Institute for National Strategic Studies of National Defense University and as a Research Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He holds a Ph.D. from the Defense Studies Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.A. from Yale.

Publicist/Email: ksalem2 at

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