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September 11, 2001: War & Peace
Syria & Lebanon


Expert Directory

The following scholars, writers, and editors are available to members of the media to talk about their work in this area. Following is information about their background, special interests, and preferred manner of contact. Listed email addresses should be copied into an email client, replacing "at" with "@".

Ivo H. Daalder
Ivo Daalder, a former director for European Affairs on the National Security Council, is an expert on national security affairs, the use of force, nonproliferation and nuclear weapons, transatlantic relations and the policy-making process. Daalder is currently a senior fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution and holds the Sydney Stein, Jr. Chair.
See also Michael O'Hanlon, co-author of Winning Ugly.

Publicist: Melissa McConnell, Publicity Manager
Brookings Institution Press
E-mail: mmcconnell at
Phone: 202-536-3611

Michael E. O’Hanlon
Michael O’Hanlon, senior fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution and Sydney Stein, Jr. Chair, specializes in U.S. national security policy. He is senior author of the Iraq Index. A former defense budget analyst who advised members of Congress on military spending, he specializes in Iraq, North Korea, homeland security, the use of military force and other defense issues. He is also director of Opportunity 08.
See also Ivo Daalder, co-author of Winning Ugly.

Publicist: Melissa McConnell, Publicity Manager
Brookings Institution Press
E-mail: mmcconnell at
Phone: 202-536-3611

Elizabeth Pond
Elizabeth Pond is a journalist based in Germany. Currently a correspondent for the Washington Quarterly, she was a longtime European correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor. She is the author, most recently, of Friendly Fire: The Near-Death of the Transatlantic Alliance (Brookings, 2003) and The Rebirth of Europe (Brookings, revised 2002).

Publicist: Melissa McConnell, Publicity Manager
Brookings Institution Press
E-mail: mmcconnell at
Phone: 202-536-3611

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